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annie b.

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Posts posted by annie b.

  1. I want to thank all who responded to my "what is this site about"

    question. I would like to thank all of you personally but there are

    so many of you. I really appreciate all the comments you all made.

    This is the first place I come to when I get on the net and am going

    to join so that I can continue to learn from all of you. You guys

    are right, it is not about the camera it is about the person taking

    the shot. I will continue to come here a learn and maybe one day I

    will be as good as all of you are. Thanks again. Annie

  2. I guess I am not sure what this site is for. I am new at the

    photography thing. I have people tell me that I have a good eye but

    I don't have the best camera, just a point and shoot Optio MX. I

    can't compete with people who have expensive equipment. It gets

    disheartning when the scores are low but no one tells you why.

    Especially when people are telling you that have seen your pics in

    person that they are good. I have had a few comments on my pics and

    am very gratefull for the advise, but one can only do what they can

    with what they have. Is there another site out there for budding

    photographers without the negative point system? Thanks for letting

    me vent... Annie

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