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stines photo

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Image Comments posted by stines photo



    I love the graphic effect on this. The fence makes the illution that its supporting the top end. A strange, but nice effect. I like it. :)


    Regards Stine



    With that title, I assosiate that something bad has happened to the childrens mother. Based on that, this picture is quite strong and tells a story. Good. :)


    The light on the fathers face is a bit disturbing, but can easily be fixed.


    Good job


    Regards, Stine



    Great colour and sharpness. The background is a bit dull, but other then that I love the composition. :)


    regards, Stine

  1. I have looked through your pictures, and I'm impressed of your portfolio. This picture is really great. I love the calmness of it, the colours and the light. Well done! :)


    Regards, Stine

    Playa Girls


    I love the look on the front girls face. :) I think the shot would have been better with just the one girl or if you were standing a little bit to the right, so that the other girl didn't desturb the background of the front girls face.


    The texture looks good on this shot.


    Kind regards, Stine

    Blu or Whyte?


    Great shot. I love the light and the crisp colours in this shot. The branch in top left corner is a bit disturbing, but other than that, I like this.


    I almost always shoot in RAW format. The control you gain compared to jpeg is great.


    Kind regards,



    Mandarin Duck


    This is a very colourful and interesting duck. Your picture however, should have been sharper all over and the focalpoint should have been on the head/eyes. Normally, I would think the angel was to "straight forward", but in this case it works because you manage to show this birds amazing colours.


    Kind regards, Stine

    Desert's women

    Great photo. I like all the space in front of the women, where the sand makes maginficant patterned lines that creates depht to the picture. The expresions on the womens faces are great. The colours are vibrant. Love it! Regards Stine



    This is a realy good capture. Good placement of the tiger in the picture, nice surroundings and bright and sharp colours. I like it.


    Regards Stine

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