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Image Comments posted by dsaf

  1. The tonality is really quite fantastic. There isn't something that directly holds my attention, hence some of the lower ratings, but once you look deeper into the image, you get thisimpression of chaos and order and it is really quite appealing to the eye.
  2. Now this is just fantastically creative and orgiinal. I love it! I actually prefer this one to your other more artistic version of this photo. In the other one, you get the sense that the photo is art, and it is very beatiful art indeed. But what makes this photo stand out indeed, is it feels, as if you were just reading it, and out of frustration you took off your glasses, and this shadow appeared as a sign and you took a photograph to capture the moment.


    PS, I'm a writer at heart ;)



    Also notice how the light seems to fade away. And as usual in the Chaos theory, there is generally a few larger more dominant structures followed by alot of tiny ones.


    Awful wording, but I think I made my point. Fantastic idea, If it were me though, I'd crop a bit of the top, but that's about it. Fantastic photo.

    Port Alice

    Alot of people just don't look deeper into a picture. A picture is worth a thousand words, and all these people want are pretty colors or naked women

    Port Alice


    Awesome! I've been waiting for over a month for new pictures John. This is absolutely beautiful. I love the effect. Possibly a stronger DOF on the middle of the tree, but I think that might take away from it, 6/7


    EDIT: I had to add that the motion, it's so perfect. I can feel it moving, I feel like i'm in the photo


    DOUBLE EDIT: I think that 2/2 and 2/7 ratings are absolutely horrid. If you have that low of an opinion people please explain it. It doesn't take long to explain why you don't like a photo.

    Blue Night

    I happen to disagree with Mark on this one. The tight crop around the tree is quite enjoyable and quite right to be that way. Without that crop, it is very likely the focus on that tree would be lost. If you immerse yourself in the picture you'll find that it is quite amazing. It's as if you're looking into the infinite universe and there are giant clusters of stars and galaxies, it's really quite lovely.



    The only cropping I could possibly think of is cutting it off right at the trunk of the tree, giving it a square look. I'll attach what I mean

  3. I really like this photo. You have an eye for this sort of thing. One thing I do notice, is how murky the water is, I don't know if you were able to control that or not, but I usually enjoy long exposures on waterfalls
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