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Image Comments posted by raul_camargo



    Nice photo. You could crop out the ring rope. On my uncalibrated monitor the outfit she's wearing shows no shadow detail at all. The composition is great. I like the heavy bag in the background. The lighting contributes to the mental image of an old style boxing gym. Her expression and posture are great. The impression of a tough workout is nicely conveyed.

    Thanks for posting,




    The blurring of the jump rope and her right foot do a nice job of showing motion. I'm not a fan of desaturating color photos. This looks kind of flat compared to the color version. Since it's a gym, I'm guessing the lighting is not optimal for photography. Check your white balance more often, some of the skin tones are kind of orangy, which I think means fluorescent lights. The composition isn't great. There is nothing going on to keep me from looking away. Next time try having her open her eyes.

    Thanks for posting,


    BTW, Picture 16 is a nice shot. 

  1. Nice image. I don't think the differences in tonality are big enough to take away from the quality. If you had not mentioned them I probably would not have noticed. If you photographed the entire cycle I'd like to see the last bit included, just to give it a sort of symmetry. Regardless, it's still good work and I appreciate you're posting it.





    Great composition. The woman stands out more with the solid background behind her. The bunting serves as a pause between the busy produce section and the pattern of the brick area and draws the eye towards the subject. The amount of produce, the bricks, and the pattern of the woman's jacket help contribute to the impression that she is going to be digging through her bags for a while. A great shot.

    Thanks for posting it,


    SMP_0467a copy



    The lighting does a nice job of complementing her attractiveness and drawing the eye from the face gradually down to the darker bottom. Her hand looks like it has a bit of motion blur. Her hair being in focus while implying motion makes this stand out. The lens flare in the background is okay but it extends into the foreground below her right breast and also just under that on her jacket. Those two areas look like spots on the image, similar to water spots on film images. Overall a nice picture.

    Thanks for posting,


    Blue Eyes Portrait


    A nice picture of an attractive subject. Her eyes are striking, which leads to the critical part of the critique. Her eyes are so striking that with such tight framing they dominate the photo and draw attention from the rest of her face. I did find that in a smaller sized image where her entire face is visible all at once the effect goes away. Other than that, I think it's a good picture of a pretty girl. Thanks for posting it.




    Great picture. The shaft and the barbs have a metallic look to them, on my monitor anyway, that combined with the fluffy section on the left give the image an organic and inorganic feel at the same time. Great composition and lighting.

    Thanks for posting,




    I have to agree that the shapes in the image are great. The texture also comes across really well. You can feel the mud ooze between your toes. The only drawback is the blah color of the mud.

    Thanks for posting,




    A very nice photograph. It is well lit. All the subjects lend something to the image. I think the textured background works well with the metal of the flower pot. The only thing I would consider tweaking would be the left side of the pot where the reflection of the background makes it blend with the actual background. This is just for a small portion of the top. As it angles down the edge becomes stronger.

    Thanks for posting this,


    La poire


    Nice still life. It has a nice earthy feel to it. The lighting is good, though I wonder if brightening up the left side just a hair more to help separate the fruit from the table a little more would be better. The glass in the background is a distraction, mainly because it is out of focus, but also because it occupies more space than the pear. Removing the glass would leave a big empty space so perhaps bringing it into focus and positioning the pear so that some portion of it is in front of the glass would be a good way to keep both ojects in the picture while maintaining the main focus on the pear.




    There's something about the way water plays with light that usually results in an interesting picture. The blue reflections give the image a nice, cool, refreshing feel. I would consider removing the glare in the upper right hand corner. It stands out as the only harsh area in the image. If you were to crop the top, the longer, narrower appearance might work to give it a sense of flowing. I'm undecided on the straw. I don't think it takes away from the image, but I don't think it adds to it either.

    Nice work,




    I'm just now getting around to learning digital post-production. Cropped

    and color adjusted with Aperture 1.5. If the colors are way off it's

    probably due to my color vision deficiencies.


    Thanks for looking,


  2. The color version is a better photograph. The same composition comments apply as with the previous version. The details that were washed out in the b&w version are now visible, the pattern on the roof of the boat for example. Though green is the dominant color in the photo, it doesn't do so in a way that makes it boring thanks to the different shades provided by nature. The lighter color of the boat stands out and draws the eye to it and then the brighter colors of the passengers' clothing pull the viewer deeper into the image.

    Nice job,


  3. Rajat,

    As someone who lives in New York, I can only dream of a rush hour like that.

    The composition gives the picture an idea of movement and the incomplete boat provides a sense of anticipation. The top of the boat, some of the faces, feet, and clothing on the passengers, and areas of the riverbank are too bright and would benefit from some burning in. The contrast seems off but that might be due to my uncalibrated monitor. I'm guessing this is a desaturated color photo. If so, it might have been better to leave it in color.

    Good work,


    In The Morning



    Nice photo. I like the arrangement of the different items in height order. The repetition of the stacking with the lemon slices and the bread, and the horizontal lines of the bread, the grain of the wood in the background are a nice subtle ay of tying the different elements of the photo together. The colors work really well together. It has a nice rustic quality to it. Since I'm jealous that I didn't take it I'm going to nitpick and say that the 4 peas? in the background don't belong and the title makes me look for more indications of morning besides the drink (I'm guessing tea) and the bread, like a gradual shift in the brightness.

    Nice work,


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