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Image Comments posted by janiebarber

  1. Lawrence, thanks so much for your comments. Yes, I do a lot of black/white as to me it is harder to do than color. Sometimes a subject needs to be in color but I feel that color is a work of God and unless you want to manipulate the color it somehow makes me feel it is just another photo. Don't get me wrong as there is a lot of talent everywhere that do show some awesome shots in color, but it is just not my cup of tea. As we all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the era that which I was raised just seems to tug at my heart. I am so much of a sentimentalist that I am really drawn to the old and worndown. Thanks again!
  2. Hi Linda, figural bottles are bottles of different figures. Could be people, animals, whatever and could be banks as there were elephants, clowns. and these are quite collectible today and some worth a lot of money. This particular location was actually on the old Route 66. This was at New Kirk, New Mexico and it was just a short section of that road. Hope everything going well for you and your family.
  3. Yes Linda, Sam and I just returned from around the Taos, New Mexico area. I am ready to go again! Sam took a solo trip early spring as my daughter and grandson were coming in from Oregon, so he has been out more than I. Good to hear from you.
  4. Thank you both, Vin and Jim. I really am enjoying this photography hobby more and more. Sam and I are supposed to take a trip sometime in June into the mountains of New Mexico. I am really looking forward to it. We both have been so busy we have not had time to do many road trips lately. Good to hear from you both.
  5. Jim, good shot! All of these old places sure make some good subject matter. The lighting is great and the shadow across the wall. The window is rather neat as the paint has been scratched off so as to look out the window. I love these movies where the people live in an old warehouse and the whole floor is their home. I have always wanted to live in an old warehouse. Boy howdy, could I foo foo that place up, LOL
  6. Jim, like this a lot and it even makes me shiver. I do have a question however, is this one of those places where it could be IR. I have never got into that yet as I need to investigate what I need for my camera, a lens from your past info. The cost may not be too expensive; however, whenever I seem to have a little extra money something comes along. My daughter and grandson came in for a week's vacation and I helped with their trip back and then before that it was taxes and it goes on and on. You know how it is! Great shot!
  7. Thanks Jim, I am always true to an old building, barn, church, whatever as I am just drawn to them. I think if I was younger I might not like this stuff because these younger people just don't care for it and you can tell from the ratings and some of the comments here on PN. What I see is what people has put astray such as they do as we grow older. Before my mother passed away I went everyday to the nursing home and sometimes twice a day and I would look around and a lot of the people there had no one or if they did they were not around often. I adopted a lot of them there during that time but since mother passed away I just can't make myself go back. It brings back too many memories. Have a great weekend!
  8. Yes Jim, Sam is the same way with his work and a lot of times around the house. He has that anal retentive thing and that is okay because he can't leave one dirty dish in the sink and it does not bother me that much, lol. Anyway, if I do leave something there it won't be long before he comes in behind me and washes it! I procastinate and he does not. Now as far as photography we both like off the wall stuff and I am definitely the same way in the shop.
  9. Jim, thanks for your comment. What is really strange, I did not actually see that this needed a tilt until you brought it to my attention and you are so correct. Also, I could eat a plate of those fried green tomatoes. It won'be be long before we will have fresh east Texas tomatoes and they are delicious.I think I told you, that Jacksonville at one time was the Tomato Capital of the World so we celebrate with a big festival, June 13, infact. Some of the local farmers still raise tomatoes and they are so scrumptious! Hope everything going well for you and your family.
  10. Jim, this was in the morning. In fact, we were pretty early risers on this morning and very unusual for Sam and I as we like to relax and dring several cups of coffee as we take out own coffee pot on our trips. As far as getting up early I had just spent the night from hell earlier. We had a couple with a child and another party that partied until after 1 AM and I finally called downstairs to the lobby and asked them if they could do something. They did call them and everyone finally got quite but right after that since we were on the 3rd floor that cold front that come in right after Christmas that we got started blowing in New Mexico and I have never heard wind howling so and blowing whatever up against the walls. Needless to say it was on up in the morning before i ever got to sleep so we actually got up early. Sam woke me up and when I got up I just told him I had spend the night from hell!!!. So, yes, we were out pretty early that morning. I could write quite an amusing book about our travels and even about our photos. I say I am and then I get busy with someother kind of project. Good to hear from you Jim. Thanks
  11. Thank you Jim, we do enjoy taking photos of these places and especially when they tug on your heart. Jim, I think I told you that Sam bought himself a Honda 750 to save on gas when it went so high. We actually took an 1800 miles trip and this is when I took this photo. We went north thru Okla, on in to Kansas and actually went west to Dodge City as we just knew we would get something wonderful there, WRONG! all commercialized. Then by that time we headed home through the panhandle and then on to east Texas. We had a great time.
  12. Jim, I may have told you this but my brother is actually in the Sons of the Conferacy and participates in reenactments. I think when they get into this they have to trace their ancestors back to the particular time and find out what position they held and they in turn are that particular position. I think at his age 70, it gets to him some as they wear those hot uniforms and are pretty active. They have a lot of fun, too.
  13. Jim, I started my SS when I turned 62 and I will be 64 in June. Sam is also drawing his and he will be 64 in March. And, yes when I got my first check or two it did make it easier for me and I had to see them and thought to myself just think I worked all those years for this, thank God. Sam has actually put his lakehouse up for sale and really at a bad time and he has moved in with me.So now we are working together and that helps both of us a lot. Sam is going to rent his place for awhile and perhaps the market will get better. Sam and I DO NOT want to get married but we get along fine together and we have a lot of fun. Sam has actually got busy with his cabinetry work. He did a kitchen before Christmas and has done a couple of entertainment centers and both were beautiful but Sam designed a triangular one to go up under a stairway and it was awesome. Someone has contacted him about a coffin, mind you and if the guy ever gets back with him he could do that to. Sam is a very talented, creative person and can do anything. That's enough about Sam, LOL. He is my soulmate.
  14. Jim, this was a neat historic home. I got out of the truck about the time the lady that lived there came outside to feed her slew of cats. I asked if I could take a photograph of her magnificent home and she said okay. When I was walking around to get a good angle in order to get the entire house, she replied "we don't allow people to walk around our property". So I took what photos I could and left.
  15. You know Jim, I think Bonnie and Clyde probably slept everywhere. My mother told me a story of seeing them pass through town. In all movies I have seen about them they were really feared but I thought they were for the underdog and sometimes gave to the poor. Do you remember anything about this?
  16. Jim, thanks so much. Yes, I did use a red filter. When Sam gave me the first camera I was doing good to work with subject matter as it meant a lot to me to be creative. Now with the better camera, I have been experimenting more and more. For instance some color on a black and white, trying many different exposures with each shot, and filters. It took me long enough but since I have got more into the camera day by day, I love the art of photography even more. In the very beginning thought I would never learn, and still sometimes I screw up. Sam and I laugh as when we are on the road, we look at each of our shots on the camera and we think this one will sure to be a winner, and when we get back and look at it, we are disappointed because we can't go back. A lot of times my screw ups or dumb things that I did not do or did not think about.
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