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Posts posted by punch

  1. Thanks


    I thought I would start the thread and see if we got a few "me too"s.


    I have spoken to my helpdesk and it does not appear to be our server. Maybe it is just lotus notes being its normally mad self.


    Thanks for checking. I will be forced to allocate the email as spam to block it on my server. If you get anything back please let me know as I am aware that it is not actually spam in the pure meaning of the word.



  2. Sure are - 2600 overnight...



    Message Details:


    subject: Photo Critique forum daily summary


    This is the alert you requested for the Photo Critique Forum on photo.net.


    This message was sent because you asked photo.netto alert you to new postings in the Photo Critique Forum.You can return to the forum at http://www.photo.net/bboard/forum?topic_id=1481&topic=Photo%20CritiqueThe email address of the forum maintainer is services@photo.net.


    If you would like to disable this alert, use this URL: http://www.photo.net/bboard/alert-disable?rowid=AAAid4AAMAAAm3jAER



    From: Christiana Schwarz

    Subject: Neooptik

    Date: 2005-06-08

    Please your critique, thanks!




    From: Lasse Pettersson

    Subject: Bubble

    Date: 2005-06-08

    Thank you.




    From: Kasturi Basu

    Subject: fan and the icon

    Date: 2005-06-08

    Shot at a gift store in New York, near Little Italy.






    Any help would be great as I don't want to mark it as spam for future messages.



  3. HELP!!!


    I was subscribed to receive notification of the photo critique area

    every Monday and Thursday. It appears there has been an issue with

    this mornings update. I currently have approx 3-400 emails in my

    inbox that are all identical.


    Anyone know how I can stop these messages coming. I have cancelled

    the submission but this hasn't helped.


    Please help I am getting drowned on my work email account.


    Thanks all

    David A

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