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Posts posted by marcelo_schiavon

  1. <p>@<a href="/photodb/user?user_id=20594">Karim Ghantous</a>, thanks! I will definitely check the Fuji systems and the Pentax K1 is very decent BUT I'm limited by customs here (Argentina) But I might travel and buy in some other country if I gamble with the fact that I could be charged if caught trying to sneak new equipment :D<br>

    @<a href="/photodb/user?user_id=640949">Jochen Schrey</a>, yes I've realized after posting this that the 7D MrkII is for something else but a friend of mine was selling and it would be a very comfortable transaction to make. To have a prime lens is expected eventually but I'm thinking about starting with a kit.<br>

    @<a href="/photodb/user?user_id=1841065">JDM von Weinberg</a>, I'm aware of the risk of buying to pro users but I can trust the camera's firmware right? or are there hacks know to these models?<br>

    @<a href="/photodb/user?user_id=5189561">Wouter Willemse</a>, I appreciate your comment. It's been a marathon between work and reading reviews like a maniac but now weekend has started, baby's out with mom and I'm free to indulge myself.<br /><br />-UPDATE-<br /><br />For now I think my options are:<br />-Nikon D610 (which I think is the D750 without so many features and less expensive) <br />-Nikon D7100 with a prime, polirizer, tripod all at once.<br />-Canon 6d with a 24-105 L </p>

  2. <p>Hello beautiful and full of knowledge people!<br /> It's been a while since I took a photograph of my own. Worked as photographer in the past so I'm quite aware of the technical details but my budget is quite narrow and I cannot quite decide what to buy since it's going to be my only camera for years. There's no way back for me if I make a bad choise.<br /> However I want from the bottom of my heart to buy a full frame camera. I feel that's the true path for me.<br /> I'm currently considering to buy a used Nikon D750, a Canon 7D Mrk II (not full frame tho) a Sony A7r, etc. I think ideally I would buy a Nikon D800 or a Canon 5D Mrk III<br /> What I will photograph is mostly landscapes on various lights and temperatures. This is for the love of photography only and not for business purposes at least not mainly.<br /> Also if you're reading this much could you suggest an ideal lens for say mountains, fields or forests. I would go with something wide like a 28mm or a 70mm. I don't know which kind of lens would resolve resolution up to the camera's potential.<br /> Thanks a lot and my respect for your help</p>

    <p><blockquote><strong>MODERATOR NOTE: Image removed.</strong></p>

    <p><i> Please note that members may post only images that they made.</p>

    <p>Posting other people's images contravenes the Photo.net Term of Use and User Guidelines.</p>

    <p>Members agreed to these terms when they join Photo.net.</i></blockquote></p>

  3. <p>Wow! thanks for the multiple replies! I was travelling offline so I couldn't reply before but I'm already loving this forum. I'm so sorry for the confusion maybe it's my bad English I'm gonna read this all right now but let me first try to clarify what I mean when I say "analogically" expose. What I mean is to have a chance of getting a REAL analog exposure variable. The problem with digital photography is that you're limited to the thirds or the halfs of a given diaphragm value. You move from 2.8 to 3.5 to 4.0 but you can't go in between. You can set your Time Value to something more precise as well to get more to a specific EV but again you move from 1/40 of a second to 1/50 to 1/60 but you can't go to 1/55 or 1/56. <br /><br />I would love to have a way of moving through all those values without limits. Specially with the diaphragm value.<br /><br />The thing is that with film you control this variable in the dark room but that's way too expensive to be experimenting with. I'm not sure I can even get the right chemicals.<br>

    You may say "you have that ability with RAW images and Photoshop" but I've noticed that when over or underexposing my images on the field by even a third of a diaphragm at least SOME info gets lost. Am I talking thrash here? <br /><br />Just finding out that I have some images uploaded from who know when!</p>

  4. <p>Hi,<br>

    This is my first post so please be kind. :·<br>

    I'm looking for a way to analogically expose my pictures at site. I'm guessing that the only way to achieve something like that on a digital Canon is to have some type of lens that allows you to manually and analogically expose at least one of the factors, say time value or diaphragm aperture. Also it should be a somewhat short mid range zoom lens? Like a 17-80mm.<br>

    Is there a lens like that? I have a Canon 7D.</p>

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