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Image Comments posted by cms-photography


    the nose being out of focus is distracting, and it also shows up looking odd in the lips highlight. composition is good for me, not that I know what im talking about but I do know what i like and that would be her eye and nose symmetry. nice skin tone to.



    Is the sis on the left the middle child or somthing?

    for she seems to unduly overlooked in some of the comments. If any of these ladies is not "cute" or more to the point photogenic I'll be wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice! this is an awseom shot three beautiful women and the head space is a nice touch, it helps to show the different qualitys of the three expressions! nice job

  1. The first comment is I feel to harsh, this is not any old sunset photo.

    The originality is a 5 the aesthetics is a 7 and I want to ly down in my tent and get some sleep!

    I think that garnering a distinct feeling or memory out of a photo is the whole point of a photographers toil and this shot succeeds. Well done

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