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Image Comments posted by lbattjes



    hmmmm....let's see...

    one 'rita will do for now, thanks :D

    the desat is good, but I think I like the warm rich tones in the original better...I really love the way the blue pops out in it.

    oh, and as for the tight crop, I'd love to see a bit more room, but overall, the colors win me over here :)


    Just sayin'




    Agreed...I ran away from here for a while..was just get frustrated...taking baby steps at coming back. Not sure about Ken...he's been quiet for awhile now. :(



    Yummy! Thanks for dinner and the drink, Kay...you're a sweety (but I promise not to let that out!) LOL


    I tried Moroccan food recently on a trip to Oregon and was loving it...not so sure about eating with my fingers for some of it...it was pretty messy...but, they provided towels as napkins, so it was all good! :) I love to try new stuff!


    So, what's for dinner tonight? ;-p


    (By the way, have I mentioned that I really missed you guys??) Just sayin'


    Excellent, Michael! That's exactly what I was talking about. :) Amazing how much control you have when working that way. I had no idea before a friend recently taught me. Thank God he had patience! ;-p



    Okay, the dish sounded really yummy until you added the spicy pepper paste...I don't do well with really spicy/hot dishes...can you make me some with the paste on the side?? :) And while you're at it, a margarita would be nice...just sayin' ;-p


    As for B&W conversions, I've been learning a new way (for me) to convert that gives me so much more control. I'm starting to get the hang of layers (gasp!) . Not proficient, mind you, but I guess an old dog can learn new tricks sometimes...hehehhe






    what's bibim bahb?


    Okay, I agree with Michael about the color in this one over the b&w...the wood tones are so warm and inviting and the blue of the scale is a nice contrast to all of that. Pleasing composition as well! :)


    Oh yeah...it looks like she's mentally bolstering herself to make it through the dance...she doesn't even seem to want to touch him. Interesting shot, Brad...I like images that tell a story! :)
  1. Hi, LouAnn! I love the textured wall and the bold color on the trim...interesting that they chose red for the blinds...makes me interested to see this place on the inside...they are definitely not color-phobic! :) The simplicity of this image and the bold color make me remember...

    ### swat ###

    Good grief! That thing is huge! I love that you caught him right where he is...leaving "swat" still visible...too funny! :) Think he was trying to read it?? LOL!



    I'm with them...wow...this needs to be printed and framed really big and then hung in a big executive lobby or something...very nice!


    By the way, that color of green, and the way the light and shadows play off of it, is very cool (temperature) and inviting....the lines are fascinating...I could look at this for a long while and not get the least bit bored. Just sayin'



    LOL! Not sure about Rodriguez yet...I have to see him in action with our team, in our stadium, etc before I can judge. If the players and coaches can gel, it'll be great...if not, who knows. Can't wait to find out though....how long til football season??? Too darn long :(


    As for you Mr. Williams, how dare you deface that beautiful hat or that fab pic by Mr. Nichols? You should be ashamed! ;-p

  2. This is really cool is so many ways...I love that the street is divided by the post and then the puddle as well. Then you get to see the awesome reflection, so now the buildings are there to divide the street as well. Love the brick work and the people, too...just an all over interesting shot. Well done, K.



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