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Image Comments posted by stupski


    I really love this. And even the border; it fits well. At this late date, you probably don't care, but I would have desaturated the brown color of his neck, to fit more into a mono type palette. Just my opinion.
  1. Have come back to your portfolio, to find this wonderfully artistic creation. The linear lines give such feeling and depth to this creation, much as a drawing by an Old Master, or Ingres....with its lines of aging and humanity, evoking thoughts of who these hands belong to....wonderful work.
  2. Re the shadows on the left side, I don't know if you've discovered the "clone" tool in Photoshop Elements, but that's what you can use. Set a transparency of at least 10% but probably no more than 50%; then set your clone origin on a spot closest to but not in the shadow area. (use the PS menu if this is not clear). Start working the clone tool slowly over the shadow, so that it is not a noticeable change, but rather gradual, blending into the proper color. This is a rather bumbling way of explaining it, but if you just begin with it, I hope you'll see what to do. It's not really difficult. Just look up "cloning".
  3. This is really beautiful,. You've captured the texture of the white feathers so well, and that's not easy to do! Colors look very vibrant - even that red in the eyes! I especially like the detailed texture in the gray areas, a mark of excellent exposure. Very nice.

    Home Sweet Home

    I agree with Birte! Seems home sweet home is what this shot is to the bird. Without the bird, it doesn't look like a home to much of anyone (though it may be). Did I just say that??? lol......I like this shot just the way it is. Balance and composition are quite nice.

    Going going gone

    Beautiful Golden Panamanian frog. I read somewhere that these days, the only places they are breeding is in zoos, and that's because their environment is completely controlled there. More houses, less trees, no frogs. Nice shot Birte.


    It is hard to tell you just what this beautiful scene evokes in my emotions, but suffice it to say, it's stunningly beautiful. You handled everything so well--color, details, sharpness, tones....just great.
  4. This is a very nice photograph, with lovely fall colors, well exposed and nice and sharp. For me, it lacks one thing: a center of interest. The theory that the eye needs a place to rest when viewing a photograph is true. If your goal is sheer design or simply pattern, then you probably have accomplished that. For it to be more than that, you need a center of interest. I do like this as pattern, which is why I'm offering this comment intended to be helpful, but you obviously have the ability to make more of it next time.



    You've handled the lighting so perfectly in this shot.  It glows with warm tones and gives the rustic feel of farming.  I like the darker tones, especially in the background.  There's a good illusion of the space between that and the subject.  Very very nice.

  5. These two are so mesmerized by this thing-a-ma-bob, but I haven't a clue what it is, or is supposed to be....lol....  The transition of foreground to background is so masterful it takes my breath away.  The attention you paid to the darkness in the upper right, versus the light in the center, I assume are devices to get the eye to focus where you want it to?  Your work is perfection and never, ever boring.

    sunday sunday


    That cerulean blue sky is as impressionistic as it gets!  You've pulled this one off quite well with that color, the textures in the sky and grass and magnificent light.  I can almost see the globs of paint up there.  Lovely.

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