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el lobo loco

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Image Comments posted by el lobo loco

  1. It was extremely difficult to get the little girl to show up without bleaching out the tree

    tops ...


    Any tips on getting good shots with such variation in the lighting?





  2. Hola,


    Those mountains are in south, central Ecuador, not far from IAMGOLD corporation's Quimsacocha gold project. There is not a town of any size in the immediate vicinity. I flew in to Cuenca, drove a couple hours from there, and yes, I did a lot of hiking and horse-back riding (this was at about 4,000 meters altitude, so there was only so much hiking I could do). These rocks are volcanic remnants... they reminded me of teeth on a gum.







    As always, terrific, provocative photography, Elena.


    It makes me think ... Your model doesn't seem to be exerting herself enough to be holding herself pressed up against the scaffold. Was this taken the other side up? If so, you did an amazing job. The hair could have stuff in it to make it stand up, but the chains look like gravity is pulling in the same direction your model's hair would indicate -- and if she really is holding herself against the bottom of the scaffold, it's even more amazing.


    Ochen xrasho!

    A macro experiment.


    This is probably one of the most difficult shots I've ever taken, and it's still not as good as I'd

    hoped ... but it's a lovely eye (so is the rest of her). Comments?

    Glass Flowers


    Wow -- I haven't had this many comments since last April. Marjan, you may have seen something like this; as I said, this is actually the ceiling (turned upside-down) of a very large/famous casino in las Vegas. It would not surprise me if others have shot it as well ... but it would be a coincidence if someone else submitted one like this recently.


    Thanks for the feedback!


    El Lobo Loco

    Glass Flowers


    These glass flowers are actually ceiling decorations in a Las Vegas

    casino ... but looking at them, I thought they'd make a pretty pathway

    through a meadow in Wonderland.


    Comments welcome.

    Face of a Snail


    I was out for a walk in a park in the city of Vilnius after a rain

    shower ... so was this snail. He's about 4 cm long, and I shot this

    from about that far in front of his face -- a face only a mother could

    love, I suppose.

    Mona Lisa

    The thought you put into this, the way you must have seen it in your head and set up the shot, amazes me. Very, very creative ... Brava!
  3. My biggest problem was that the soft light made for a slow shutter speed, which made it difficult for the subject to be still enough ... I guess the solution is whatever the digital equivalent of "more sensitive film" is, so I can use a faster shutter speed. I'd love to hear what sorts of settings others using digital cameras use for this sort of shot.
  4. This is one of my first experiments with the classic "light on subject

    in front of black background" style photo. I found trying to capture

    contrasts of light and shadow much more difficult than I imagined ...

    but I liked the way this one turned out. Thoughts?

  5. I thought about the background issue and considered trying to find some way to rig a black backdrop or somehting ... but I decided to catch the wave while I could. That turned out to be a good thing, as 3/4 of it crashed to the ground after a few shots.


    Also, as ugly as I find corrugated tin, if that _hadn't_ been an ugly corrugated tin shed, it would not have moulded those ridges under the snow.


    C'est la vie.



  6. I managed to catch a drop of water falling from the tip of one of

    these icicles ... right before the slowly curling wave broke off and

    crashed on the snow-beach behind our house...

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