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ranger mick

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Posts posted by ranger mick

  1. After adjustments in any photo shop program, I do not click the over ride for the original button. I, save as, put the discription in the save line and it will save it at the end of that file. That way you can mess it up as much as you want and you get to keep the original. After you are satisfied with changes, you can eliminate the original 'cause they will build up.
  2. I belive the button above ISO on the left side of my 8700 lense barrel is what you need to do. It will put a circle and line through the flash indicator which should mean it is shut off. Interesting camera isn't it. I am probably wrong but I figure there may be as many as 25 settings for a photo if we want to go that far. Good luck. Mick
  3. If the reviews are like most, we tend to rate our favorites better.

    On "requsted comments" I do not think it of best interest to have

    the photographers name come up with the ratings when you click next

    photo. All we need to is go back to the site and change our rating,

    though I hope that I would not. The title would help in

    understanding the photo and what was intended. The equipment used

    will help in adding my comment. Thank you for the effort you put

    into the site, Mick

  4. Hi all, Is this a question to "curve the curves"? I do not have any photos up yet but headed that way. My qustion on this is that I only rate photos that I can rate 4+. Am I doing those who shoot poor shots a disfavor in not rating or commenting on their photos esp. with out comment. I do not want to chase them away from p.n and not help with their learning. Some photos I can not judge. In lawenforcement I handled enough bloody bodies and do not understand why people think it makes a great photo. I think the points are just chest puffers or deflaters. It is only the comments that help!Hopefully I will have something up for you folks to enjoy or pick on shortly. Keep your cameras activie, Mick
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