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Posts posted by alex-m

  1. Just a few things. 1st, Brian etal are bombarded, overworked, understaffed and forced to deal with a site that grows technically by quantum leaps. For what this site is from a commercial point of view (and I'm sure no-one is getting rich here), resources both technical and staff have to be carefully allocated. Yet, having said that, having a site like this also bears responsibilities. One thing I can say for certain: The technical (scripting and hardware deployment) knowledge is there.


    At least one model exists were a newcomer may have access to the site to view the submissions from the last 72hr period. Anything prior remains a thumbnail reserved for members and those basic non-payers that have contributed in a meaningful and controlled environment to accumulate "points" which will enable them to post photos of their own. Each critique you offer is rewarded by points as long as it fulfills certain criteria like a minimum of characters typed with a filter in place that looks for words archived along certain guide lines. Not a hard script to implement since any lowly mail server has more sophisticated "spam filters" in place to filter content, than may be required here. If your critique is clicked "helpful" or "unhelpful", you have points added or subtracted. This means you have to choose your words well if you want the privilege to post pictures of your own. Granted, no system is perfect. Once you pay, you don't have to comment if you don't wish to. You are still subject to the same guidelines though, if you do.


    Some have managed to pervert this system to their agenda too but far less common than here. If they had the potential quality of photographers there, they would rocket through the sky within weeks. Many that have left here, I found there.


    I too will no longer comment for fear of reprisals and clique politics. I was to the point of wanting to sell all my photo stuff and take up gardening if it weren't for my job as a location and documentary photog. Does that make me a good photographer? Not by a long shot! I came here to learn. This learning curve has flattened out as far as from general exposure is concerned and I'm getting my obligatory 3/3s without explanation no matter what! (lol) I can only encourage you to write about the photos that speak to you (even if they're technically bad... the more to write...lol) and see if you can find a few folks that have a language you can understand and profit from. No-one has the time to fairly comment on all pictures. And maybe you or me or others, like apparently others already have, should form some sort of limited circle of "friends" you can be honest with and expect the same in return. We are all dealing with very personal parameters here. To illustrate, some of my friends are chiding me (and maybe rightfully so.. lol) for not interacting enough or disappearing alltogether for a period. Everyone has a daily (monthly... etc) limit. My two cents worth: get out of the ratings game... find some folks to talk with on the level and if there's not too many in your circle you might be busy for some time to come. It's mate rating at its best... lol. Jeez, I should heed my own words... wonder wether I should erase all my stuff and start from scratch... (but then nobody would learn from my mistakes)

  2. Annonymity should be for who posted the photo, not for who rated it! That would prevent the mate rating to a degree. I'm sure there are some who will send a spam-load of email to their friends regardless. At least we would get a better handle on this by exposing who rates what and when... Regards
  3. Much good advice there. Im sure you're on your way by now. Be safe! And have fun. Do sit still in a few places as things will also be opening up for you (cloud covers change and you will discover points of view, etc) Don't be afraid to look at it as an abstract. Regards
  4. If I may (playing a bit of devils advocate here)

    I would like to over-simplify by saying that Brian is overworked and most likely has difficulties with the tremendous growth rate. I have to admit at first I was angered by some of the ratings (and complained... grins at Brian) because it did not teach me anything. Now I have adapted to my own interpretation of the rating system (and leave Brian alone), because (and with help, indirectly) of some good people I have had the privelege to listen to and even meet some of them (Thank you, Brian for that platform). There are some folks here, within PN who have formed a, lets call it an association, that is open to anyone who wishes to escape the rating stuff. I loved reading their outline under which they critique and rate. Among them you post anonymously (generic name for all) and critique under your name.

    Very constructive!!!


    I can promise a few things:

    there will always be trolls on public forums!(deal with it!)

    servers will always bog at some stage!

    and my ego will take a pounding here and there... over there too... (grins).

    But with the help and encouragement of some folks here, I am learning to cope. There are a lot more good people here than bad. The evidence is right here in this thread. Some very good thoughts have been expressed by many of you and your basic willingnes to communicate compliments your intent.


    May I offer the idea (I always poke a little fun at things if I can get away with it and its really not my idea)to start a photo gallery, open to all, with the starting theme: "anger at internet trolls". I will gladly offer some of my alotted PN space to do this (or Brian could allow a small gallery alotment... hint hint.. on a rotating image basis with maybe a 100 image max or so (once the limit is reached, it pushes the bottom picture out). Here is how we could do this: First you post your contribution to your own PN home page. I'll create the gallery on my PN space and post the starter picture. You access the folder through my PN home page and open the starter picture. Click on "Contribute a critique" and post your image with html. For those who don't know how or don't want to know how, I'll furnish a template where all you would have to do is cut 'n paste the url into it (its really not hard) or you can make your own. Better yet, Brian has all the templates for this in place... (hint again... grins). I think I've rambled enough... Live long and prosper!

  5. Another thing I've notice is that there are a few cliques. I don't wish to get into names. But after looking up ratings for photos taken by one person, I noticed how often his/her countrymen would rate the photos from their native peers consistantly higher than others. Checking the "most highly rated photos" from among this group, I found just about all the folks in that particular case engaged in "reciprocal rating". To a degree I can understand that. If one is not in command of the english language, one tends to seek comfort and acceptance among those that one can communicate with. But in this particular case I found some folks deliberatly knocking other submissions down in order to ensure their friends winding up in "this weeks best photos". I personally would not worry too much. I've been on the receiving end a couple of times too. I left a comment for one to read asking him why, without having to retaliate by leaving bad ratings in return. And if most of the ratings you receive hover somewhere in between 4 and 5, with a few 6s or 7s and hopefully few 3s, you probably do alright. I ignore 1s and 2s. Specially if they come from folks who don't offer any reason or worse, do not contribute photos themselves. Its ok to be proud of our images as long we all strife not be too full of ourselves.

    PS: I wish people would have to have at least one photo on their page to be able to rate others.

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