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Image Comments posted by dhaval_thakkar

    Ox race

    Simply awesome! You managed to capture the action and emphasize the friendly nature of the competition with the warm tones. Great shot!

    My Love

    The composition, perspective, and exposure are superb! I love how you use different angles to emphasize the models angular face. I enjoy the models expression which suits the lighting and vice versa. Great job!


    Great composition and awesome idea. I love the colors and the aerial perspective. The image just seems to be very noisy and not so sharp and I am not a fan of the frame. But besides that I truly think you have a great capture!



    The colors look a little flat to me. I played with some levels, curves, and saturation to get the shot to pop out a bit, according to my tastes. Let me know what you think. :)



    The shot reminds of one of my favorite potrait photographers, Andrzej Dragan. The shot reveals much about the person through their expression and every little detail on their face. Along with that the muted colors and lighting is awesome. I must say though that I am not a fan of the frame, I would stick with out it. Thanks for sharing!
  1. Great contrast, and colors. I love the menacing looking clouds and I like the perspective of the shot. The monitor at work isn't the best but it seems as if a slight amount of dodging could be used on the rock on the left. But besides that I like the shot, thanks for sharing!

    Ruta de fuego

    Amazing idea and very well executed, almost looks like lava creeping off the edge of the land mass. My only suggestion woul be to crop off a good portion of the shot on the left to really draw the attention to the lights. Because my eyes keep wandering to the left to look for more. Really brilliant idea though I truly enjoy the shot, thanks for sharing!!


    It's very difficult to get a good exposure of fog and I think you did a great job. However the shot looks very washed out, I think playing around with the levels and curves could go a long way for the shot. Because the composition is interesting, although I would tend to have something eye-catching in the foreground leading off to the awesome background, I actually played around with the shot in Photoshop a bit to really make it 'pop,' feel free to drop me an email if you would like to see it. Thanks for sharing! :)


    I really like the composition and framing of the shot. However it seems as if the model is lightly out of focus or blurred and as a result my eye tends to focus in on the bright light above, since the model isn't popping out of the frame. And I wonder if you could get a greater range by playing around with more contrast or such. I also wonder what this shot looks like in color. Besides my personal preferences for B/W shots that I noted above I really do enjoy this shot, thanks for sharing!!
  2. I love how the monument is glowing, and the framing is interesting as well. However I think the colorful setting sun on the right side tends to take the focus away from monument. If your attempt was to make the monument a central object then perhaps a little burning may help but if not then disregard this sentence. :) Besides that I really like the shot, thanks for sharing!


    I love the composition and the perspective of the shot. The lighting is nice and even, however it seems that the shot is a bit grainy/noisy...was this shot at a higher ISO? If so I would try a lower setting next time. But besides that I really like the shot!


    I really love the smooth colors in this shot. The shot looks very fluid which play against the explosiveness of the flame and I like the disparity. Although it is not an original idea it is a novel take on what could have been very cliche. Also the composition really adds to the shot. Great job!


    I simply love this shot! It is very well executed, and original. The lighting is awesome. The shot looks very commercial though, hopefully that was what you were going for because I could totally see it on a page in the magazine.
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