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Image Comments posted by vick1

  1. Clever and interesting.


    The only bother is the roof/eve behind the person on the right. It looks like its sticking out of the back of their head!


    So I guess in terms of making the photo better, maybe the person on the right could have moved to the left a little more or you could have move the camera to the right a little more to take the photo at a different "horizontal" angle.


    Something to think about.






    Wow! Nice short depth of field and great attention to detail. I guess the only thing that bothers me a little is the reflection coming off the bees upper back.


    Other than that. This is a great photo.


    Good stuff!



  2. Nice capture. Nice use of light.


    The rocks on the left hand side are good. They almost add a sense of "mystery" as to where the light source is coming from. I.e. Is it coming from the sun or a space ship. :-)


    Good stuff.




  3. Wow, wonderful composition. A slightly longer depth-of-field (extra 1/3 stop at most) and a slightly longer exposure to help make the photo a little brighter would have helped its already powerful message.


    Good stuff!





    Hmm...interesting...it looks just a tad underexposed. Maybe dropping the exposure down by 1 to 1 and 1/3 stops would have made it a tad brighter and would have shortened the depth of field and enhanced the forground object...then again you may have wanted a long depth of field, which meant that a longer shutter speed at the current F-Stop (that you took the photo at) would have made it brighter too.


    Good stuff...



    Hmmm...its a tad difficult to tell if you were goin' for a silhuette or exposure of shadow detail. I guess if you were going for a silhuette, then yeah, its pretty good and the subject could have even been darker. If you were going for exposure of shadow detail, then the subject is a tad dark.





    Dream chaser


    Hmm...interesting photo TIbor. When you were panning, did you continue to pan after you tripped the shutter to take the photo? It's always best to "follow the motion" after you trip the shutter.


    The effect still looks great though. Any type of panning at 1/30 of a second and below is good.


    Good stuff!





    Funny...in a good way! I wonder how the light on his little face would have look if he took just one more step forward. Light in doorways and windows falls off soo quickly. A bit of fill flash would have helped brighten his face (in that position) too.


    Nice capture. Well done.



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