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heather l

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Posts posted by heather l

  1. Hello,


    I just got my new Sekonic L-558, and am trying to learn how to use it

    in relation to the Zone System. (Using it in Ambient mode with the

    spot function.) I'm also reading, and am nearly finished with,

    Adams' book "the negative". (Feels like I'm reading a math book, but

    with more pictures!) So I have a rudimentary understanding of the

    Zone Sys.


    If I'm understanding correctly (and please let me know if I'm not!),

    when I take a reading with the spot meter in Shutter speed or

    Aperture priortiy mode, the value I get back will be placed on Zone

    5. But, in the EV mode, if I take a reading, the value I get back

    tells me what zone that value is placed on? (Assuming that EV and

    Zone numbers are the same thing.)


    Here's a hypothetical situation with fictious numbers: Let's say I'm

    taking pictures of a white church in the country side on a sunny

    day. I meter the church and I get a reading of f/11 125 speed.

    That's zone 5, right? How then do I get the church to be on Zone

    VII? Do I adjust my shutter speed two stops slower to get two zones

    brighter? (And then is it two full stops, or will two 1/3 increment

    stops work?) Now lets pretend that in the EV mode, I get a reading

    of 7. Is it on Zone 7?


    I have another question wich may or may not be related:

    I metered my gray card with the spot meter in EV mode, and get

    readings anywhere from 6 to 8. But, when I turn it to the incident

    mode and take a reading (again, in EV mode) I get a 5. What's going



    Thank you for any help you can give me. I have a lot to learn!



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