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Image Comments posted by nikki_mcgee

  1. You're right about the sheet music... I was in the orchestra hall in my High School, and I was lucky to find any unattended music at all. I do believe this is cello or violin music. And the drum, I think is a snare from a drum set... I don't know, we have so many fun little (and big) instruments all over.


    I like this one, I had made a suggestion to some one else to try holding a small animal of some sort, and here is a beautiful respresntation of what I meant. Bravo!

    A Skater's Shadow

    I like it, however I would like to see it with the skater and her shadow, with a dramatic light. Either that or cropp off of the top. The empty black space makes me want to find something there...
  2. Thanks for your input, you are right this was one of my first pictures, and it was during class, and I was in a rush to get back, and if I rememebr correctly, there was some kind of animal droppings behind me that prevented me from laying down. I guess I am fond of it because it was one of my first real good ones, in my teacher's opinion.


    Vivid colors. plain undistracting background. I really like the green leaves, and the bright blue and yellow on his outfit. Very vivid, very good.


    You are right, I did ask for your opinion, and I do appreciate it. I had also tried the crop vertical, and it looked like a bookmark. I seem to like this crop, and I don't know why. But Thank you for your opinion, and being straight forward about it.
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