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blackoak images

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Image Comments posted by blackoak images

  1. Thanks for the comments! I agree with the needed filter corrections and no flash was used. This was my first experience with filters. I have since made an effort to clean up my transitions.



    could use some help on making this photo have a little more snap. i

    like it, but I think Im missing something.......thanks for taking a


  2. Weiyang and Chuck, thanks for the comments! The saturation is kicked up a fair amount. I shot this at the wrong time of day under a full July sun! It took everything I had in the bag to keep the the water from blowing out beyond the point of trashing the shot. The trade off was as you called them. I still have a bunch to learn using Photoshop and of course the camera. Weiyang, if you still would like to see the original, Id be happy to accommodate! Thanks again for your time and comments.



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