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Image Comments posted by julia_von_lippe

  1. Fabrizio, I'm a bit late and I ask you to appologize me for that but I still like to thank you for your kind words and great compliment. I'm glad you like this picture.


    Al, I have watched your portfolio which is really amazing and full of great work and that makes me feel very honoured with your fantastic comment to this picture. It's more than a year ago that I have been busy to take pictures like this. I have tried to come out of the bathroom to search for an other location to make original selfportraits but it isn't easy. I keep hoping for inspiration for the next great shot!


    Best Regards,





    hand (nude)


    I'm not really impressed by this shot. It isn't provocative instead of 'provacative'. (Jim, Jim! your language isn't my native language and people like you put me so much trouble because of the fact that my English dictionary doesn't know this word, so please, check your comments carefully in the future! Thanks Jim)


    About the picture: I repeat, it isn't provocative at all. It's actually an empty image. I see a partly underexposed shot, a blurred hand and a wisp of hair. It does not radiate a single emotion. It's a waste of time to devote a dicussion to this picture. Such a shame. The female model which lend her body to the photographer deserves more respect.


    Tip: Produce a good picture with decent lightning and make sure that the picture has ingredients which are really fascinating.


    Greetings, Julia.



    Feuerkerze for Lee


    I'm here because I saw your comment to Lee Park's -Storefront- shot. Because of your interest in Mrs. Parks' photographs, and well mainly in the erotic ones, I'd suppose to find in your portfolio at least some nude shots. But what a disappointment! Some old portraits, a graveyard, a freak of a house which almost comes down, and yikes.... a slippery frog.


    Actually only this picture, which you dedicated to Mrs. Park has something erotic. It's a nice shot. Great DOF and exciting colors, only a shame the top is missing. And as you know, the top is the most relevant detail as it comes to the crunch.


    I would appreciate it very much when you take the effort to visit my work, Robert. You won't regret that, you'll enjoy it!


    Greetings, Julia von Lippe.

    Julia I


    I'm very flattered through your compliments because I know you are an authority on this field.


    I really would like to have more time to take pictures like this, but as I already said in my reaction to Michael, I have a lack of time at the moment.


    Hopefully the winter season will be a more quiet time. At any rate your kind comments have inspired me to think about a sort of come back. I hope my creativity don't let me down.


    Best wishes to you Jonathan,



    Julia I


    Dear Michael, I like to thank you very much for your apprication. I know your beautiful work but alas, I have so seldom the opportunity to be on PN.


    Greetings, Julia.

  2. This is a beautiful composition, Rajnish. I love the color of the sky and the sea as a background for the dancing silhouettes. Just that purple color adds an extra dimension of passion and erotic to this picture.


    Greetings, Julia.


  3. Good question. Where have I been all these years... Caught in the straightjacket of a decent housewife???

    Haha! You are generous, Rajnish. Your question has set me thinking.

    I hear the sweet voice of Freddie Mercury and I even see him in his mighty performance as frustrated household drudge.

    'I WANT TO BREAK FREE!' perhaps that had been a more appropiate designation for this picture. Wow, now I know who was my source of inspiration.


    Your advices and remarks were more than welcome, Rajnish. Besides, thank you for all these great compliments. When I have time I'll have a try at PS to realize your suggestions.


    What concerns Helmut Newton; well, perhaps I will go deeply into his work. A good chance I get inspired by him too.


    Greetings, Julia.

    Thru A Fence


    This is a good shot, Conni. Especially because it's taken through a window. It's very important to count that in your appreciation. I like the pose of the tiger.I have a particular bond with tigers because of their beautiful markings and their charisma. Very well done and don't mind the low ratings!


    Greetings, Julia


  4. Hi John, I'm very happy with your constructive critique. Perhaps you are right about the bottles. I'm only in a initial phase of making nudes and selfportraits so I still have a lot to learn. Nice you were here.




    Michael, it's a long time since I was here, I'm sorry. But I appreciate your opinion very much.


    Greetings, Julia.

    Julia I


    Paule heisst er, ist Bademeister, im Schwimmbad an der Ecke, Paule

    heisst er, ist Bademeister und er bringt kleine Madchen zur Strecke.


    Wenn im Sommer die Sonne scheint, dann gehen wir schwimmen, es ist ja

    nicht weit, wir amusiern uns mit Brust oder Kraul, denn uber uns da

    wacht Paul. Er hat ein goldnes Kettchen, das ihm Gluck bringt, und er

    passt auf, dass niemand ertrinkt.


    Paule schubst Kinder vom Einer, Paule ist ein ganz Gemeiner.

    Und findet Paul mal ein Madchen nett, wirft er sie vom 10-Meter-Brett.

    Seht euch den Paul mal beim Springen an:

    Er scheint zu fliegen, genauso wie Supermann.


    Da zahlt man gerne sein Eintrittsgeld.

    Paul ist der schonste Bademeister auf der ganzen Welt. Jawoll!


  5. OWL INK PHOTOGRAPHY, thank you very much for the tip you give me and the visit you have paid me.


    John, I appreciate your comment and compliment very well. I have a lack of time at the moment but I attach great value to your opinion. I hope to be able to develope my vision.


    Paul, is that really true? Have you been in prison? But why? Are you such a criminal? You look so innocent to me Paul:)


    Perhaps it's better if we don't talk about it...? Your appreciation of my picture pleases me very much. The analogy you draws with Eve flatters me. I only hope you're not the serpent who tries to seduce me with rating my shots sevens. I don't fall for that. You have to invent a better trick. I hope you'll find one;)


    Greetings, Julia.




    Julia I


    that sounds so marvelous. It's for the first time in my life a man make me such a public confession. If you should know what this means to me......


    Thanks my Romeo, your Julia....?

  6. Yes, I'm a real woman and it doesn't surprise me in the least that you were in doubt about my sex. When I look to (particular) this shot I'm still surprised it's me. For that reason the title. In Julia I I recognise myself really.





    This is a very colourful portrait. I love it, even though there is a bit to much yellow in it.


    It's a pity your beautiful model doesn't look into the camera because that could make IMO this portrait even more stronger. The frame is very dominating by it's size, but together with the portrait it's a very original combination. Very wel done! 6/7






  7. I'm very happy with all those positive reactions.


    Yes Edward, it's for real of course, with all the right natural ingredients, it seems to be possible to look very well, even have turned fifty.


    Eddie, I feel flattered by your all your sevens!


    I've never heard of Helmut Newton, Detlef. I gonna search on internet to learn more about his person and his work. I'm very curious.


    The movie you talk about, Raimondas, it is possible I've ever seen it. It's a film made in 1975 I think. Maybe I've seen it a long time ago but I can't remember the content. Gonna search for that on internet too.


    As you see, I'm very busy gentlemen, so for a couple of weeks no time to take new pictures:-))


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