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Image Comments posted by laurielblack

  1. Just looking for guidance and tips on shots like this. I had the

    wonderful opportunity to photograph tigers at a rescue preserve. The

    light was pretty flat and dull, having grey skies and being at 7:00

    am, but I think I did OK with what I had. Any suggestions on how to

    make images like this pop?

  2. You say it's dirty and needs a better retouch job. Please tell me what you mean by dirty and how specifically I can or should retouch it. Like I said, I'm new to this and don't know much so I need a little more direction. Thanks!
  3. These are some of the first images I've captured with my new Canon EOS

    300D and I'm still trying to figure out what settings are right to use

    at what times. I'd appreciate some guidance from those of you who

    know what you're doing. I don't post-process a whole lot (see photo

    details) mostly because I'm still learning my way around Photoshop.

    Anyway, help with DOF, shutter speed, and post-processing suggestions

    are welcome. Thanks for your time! :o)

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