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Posts posted by tr_whitford

  1. Hello,

    Hey I was (changed business persuits)large format shooter for 30 years.

    Maybe G means "acheive" when he states "manage" DOF.

    Here's what I know (debateable) about DOF.

    DOF is the same (some tolerance accepted) at any given f/stop if the image sizes are identical if no camera movements are used.

    The focal length of the lens(s) is not relevant.

    And a bit more not concerning DOF.

    F/11 on LF requires the same amount of light as f/11 on 35mm as long as the same emulsion speeds are used and neither camera has had bellows factors introduced.

    I do get confused when statements are made that to get more DOF/sharpness you must use an f/stop above f/8 (for example). In actuality you will need to use an f/stop BELOW f/8 (i.e. f/16)

    F/stops are an abbreviation of a fraction. F/16 should read f/1/16.

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