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Image Comments posted by maxpizzo

  1. grande Gino,

    la foto 蠳pettacolare per definizione e colori. anche se il soggetto non 蠯riginalissimo, quel pane che ti sei portato da casa si 蠲ivelato un investimento fruttuoso :)

    ciao, M.



    Ciao Aldo,

    蠵n piacere ritrovare queste tue immagini. Direi che questa 蠵n classico del colosseo, ma sei riuscito a renderla ancor pi� piacevole attraverso una bella elaborazione.

    A presto, Max



    eheh ... si vede anche l'ombra del gomito del fotografo :)

    un secondo dopo ed anche il viso sarebbe stata perfettimante illuminato ... :)

    ciao, Max


    una composizione pulita, lineare, con pochi elementi ben disposti. quello che mi colpisce di pi� sono le linee armoniose che fanno scivolare lo sguardo sullo sfondo. As usual ben fatta.
  2. sun flowers are a classic subject, but here you've found a very original and intriguing composition. in fact I like the idea to capture the line os flowers with the foreground one cropped. also the b/w convertion is excellent



    a very nice portrait with a lovely mood. probably the pose is not very intriguing, I mean it would have been more dynamic if she had the head tilted and a hand in the frame (IMHO)

    ciao, Max



    the idea is very nice and the picture is pleasant. The only nit of this image, in my opinion, is that it's not clear what thery are doing.

    cheers, Max

    Bryce Canyon


    the Bryce Canyon is really wonderful. The picture seems a bit underexpose and this make colors less vivid. Please have a look at my version :)

    cheers, Max




    thanks William for your reply. I'he seen the large version and you're right that there are no rumors :)

    Please let me explain that I like the composition and the idea to take just the top of the Colosseo, the only point I'm not keen on is the oversaturation; probably it works for the sky, but the Colosseo is a bit unnatural (IMO).

    ciao, Max



    I can understand and I agree with your "passion" for the Colosseo, but IMO this picture doesn't give justice to the beauty on this landmark. In fact the picture is overstaurated and you got some rumors aroud the colosseo (please take a look on the top) and some dust on the left. The sky has became cyan on my screen; I'm sure that the original version is much better.

    ciao, Max



    very sexy model and lovely settings. I like the idea and the way you've realized it. Just a nit about the use of the walking stick that IMO does not match with the wheat field.

    Anyway a very pleasant image.



    nice idea and tender image. I like the b/w grain. Just one nit IMHO, the spot light on his shoulder and, for this kind of picture, I'd have preferred a perfect simmetry. but as I told, these are just nits.

    Well done, Max



    ciao carissimo,

    una saturazione spettacolare. un po inusuale il taglio della balla di fieno, ma trovo favolose le linee che guidano verso il cielo blu.

    un saluto, Max

    Door 5


    wonderful Ladakh! I went last year and I've got wonderful memories of that travel :)

    I like this shot, the cord is well placed on the left third and the selective light illuminates the colored part of the cord; also the door is in shade but it is still possible to appreciate the detail of the wood; it's open making think that it's a monastery and probably there's some elderly monk waiting in.

    thanks for sharing this nice picture of the Ladakh

    ciao, Max



    hello my dearest friend,

    it a great pleasure for me to see and comment your works again. This is a very good portrait tecnically very well taken and well converted to b/w. A nit about the pose that IMO is a bit static; if she tilted the head forming a diagonal lines with her eyes IMO would be a bit better :)

    ciaooo, Max


    an impressive picture. from the technical point of view it is not perfect but this is not important, this picture tells a story and it is strongly emotive. well done
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