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Posts posted by lerner_clay

  1. Hi, I am looking to buy a Linhof Technika IV or V and I heard that the older Schneider

    lenses that usually come with these cameras are not coated properly (or perhaps the

    coating doesn?t last) and therefore do not properly render colors. I?m not very familiar

    with Linhof/Schneider nomenclature and I realize this is a very vague question but any

    help/thoughts would be great appreciated. Thanks!

  2. I recently purchased a Minolta CLE on ebay that hadnt been used for over 15 years. I got

    the camera serviced and although all shutter speeds fired accurately, the AE drastically

    overexposed in low light conditions (although in direct sunlight it worked perfectly). My

    repair guy isnt sure what to do, so I'm wondering if anyone has had problems with the

    CLE's autoexposure and if so, how they fixed it? In case I do need an entirely new circuit

    board, does anyone know whats the best way to get one? Thanks.

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