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Posts posted by dk.

  1. <p >Hi, it’s been awhile since I have been back to this site but saw your question and thought I would add my two cents since I have the 400mm F5.6L prime.</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p > You said - I wanna get more into birding and my 300 is barely cutting it.</p>

    <p > Between the two you mentioned - 400 f5.6 L and 100-400 f4-5.6 L IS -</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >And for what you want it for, you really only have one option as the 400mm F5.6L prime is sharper and faster and with birds this is a must. If you had said you need a long lens and are going to Africa or something like that, then I would say the zoom, as the zoom feature would have much greater importance.</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >But for what you want it for the prime is the only way to go. You will find you need to bump up the ISO on cloudy days unless you use a tripod. I personally always handhold it when in use and use an ISO of 400 most of the time.</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >But if you really get into the birds you will want the 500mm F4L IS in time as it can do many great things. But we can dream for now (me included) and get the 400mm F5.6L in the mean time.</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Take care.</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >DK.</p><div>00SCaL-106369784.jpg.532524aa57d8aed8187f747ba9ac06c3.jpg</div>

  2. Hi, I am no Photoshop expert But I have a few pictures with the background blurred out like you are talking about. In my pictures it is done by taking the picture of the bird or object as close as possible and at a f stop of F2 or F2.8 and F4 etc and just making sure that where I do take the pictures of the bird the background is much farther back from the bird/object so that it will be blurred out completely or as much as possible but you can�t always have the bird be where you want it to be so you take what you can get. So to recap, bird close background far away etc F-stop F2 to F4.

    Not sure if that helped at all. I am sure there are ways in Photoshop but I don�t know them. Take care.




  3. #1 Keep your wife unless she is unfaithful and mean. lol

    And if she is nice and faithful treat her like a queen. :o)


    #2 Sell the 17-40mm F4L You don't need it with the other lenses that you have it will just collect dust as mine does since I got the 10-22mm.


    #3 I don't think you need the 85mm ether, I would keep the 50mm f1.4 instead even though you might not use it much.


    #4 The 300mm F4L IS and 400mm F5.6L are both very good, I have both, The 300mm F4L IS is great for lots of things, more so then just birds. The 400mm F5.6L is great for just birds on SUNNY days. :o)

    I also have the 70-200mm F2.8L IS and 1.4TC but have not used them together as of yet so I can't help you there.

    Feel free to look at my pictures and see what lens I used to take them. Most of the small bird shots are about 10 feet away or less. Hope that helps a bit. Take care.



  4. Hi, I finally got my Canon EOS 40D Body that I ordered online with the mail

    today. I put in the charged battery, memory card, and a lens turned it on. And

    whamo nothing works nothing at all. (I am not a happy camper) I tried putting

    on a different lens and another battery as I have a 20D also. Still nothing

    works, also took out the small battery beside the main one and then putting both

    batteries back in, still nothing. I guess I will have to send it back for

    another one. Anyway I was just wondering if any others out there got a lemon

    40D? as I wanted to know if its just mine or if there are lots like this. Thanks

    for your answers. Take care.



  5. You get what you pay for and the Lens is the most important part.

    I would save up and get a Canon 24-105mm F4L IS lens for your everyday shots.

    Since you don't have a prime lens you should get the Canon 50mm F1.8 its not much money, you will like it as it takes sharp pictures from F2.2 up. Take care and have a good one.



  6. Hi Jonathan, In my response to you above I kind of overlooked the part about the Vacation believe it or not. :o)

    So I would like to make a change in my advice.


    Your Biggest lens so far is the 50mm F1.4


    Since you like primes so much I would get the Canon 135mm F2L instead of the 200mm F2.8L, the 135mm is a lot longer then your 50mm and to tell you the truth I had the 200mm prime and I have the 135mm F2L prime and the 135mm F2L prime kicks the 200mm's butt, it is better and still its light and black so you don't feel people are looking at you with a big white lens on etc etc.


    I still stand behind the Canon 70-200mm F2.8L IS lens its one great lens but for your vacation its a bit heavy and big and white.


    The Canon 135mm F2L prime is sharper then the zoom and the 200mm prime and at F2 it is very sharp. I would get the 135mm F2L over the 200mm F2.8L prime any day of the week or year for that mater. It is one of Canons best lenses.


    If you need something for animals that are much farther away I would get the Canon 300mm F4L IS its a very nice lens with IS. Take care and have a good trip.



  7. I think in this range you are better off with a zoom.


    I had the 200mm F2.8L prime then sold it (it was very good) and then had the 70-200mm F2.8L zoom (it was very good) then sold it, then got what I should have got at the beginning the 70-200mm F2.8L IS zoom. (Its great lol) If you have the money go right to the 70-200mm F2.8L IS, if you don't have the money I would still get the f4 zoom. Take care. :o)



  8. Hi, Can someone tell me if the Tokina 12-24mm f4 is EF mount or is it like the Canon 10-22mm and is a EF-S type mount? I don't know much about Tokina I don't even think they sell them here in Canada.


    Going by Yakim's post above it sounds like its a EF-S but I just want to make sure.

    I might want to get a super Wide Angle in the future But I prefer full mount not this EF-S stuff. Thanks.



  9. Well I think if it were me I would get the Canon 24-105mm F4L IS and 70-200mm F2.8L IS lenses. If you want to save some money get the Tamron 28-75mm f2.8 XR DI instead of the Canon 24-105mm it is very good also. I would not get the Canon 24-70mm F2.8L I had it and mine was not that great My Tamron took better pictures and its heavier then the Tamron and Canon 24-105mm lenses. I think in the future when you have more money you will need to get something like the Canon 300mm F4L IS for wildlife shots as you will always want to get them closer in your pictures.

    Take care.



  10. "I would prefer to spend less than $700."


    Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 XR DI





    P.s. I am going by your $$$ figure if you had more to spend I would tell you something else, but the Tamron is a very good lens. Take care.

  11. I have a Lexar 80x 1Gb, Hitachi 4Gb micro drive and Sandisk Extreme III 4Gb.

    I have had no problems with any of them the Scandisk Extreme III is my newest card and the one I use the most now. Me personally I would not buy anything under 4Gb's



  12. "I was wanting suggestions on a good walk around lens"



    My first pick would be Canon 24-105mm F4L IS


    My second pick would be Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 XR DI


    My third pick would be Canon 17-40mm F4L


    If I were you and had the money I would get my first pick.

    If you are short on money then I would get my second pick.

    If you plan on taking more landscape shots in the future also then I would get my third pick.


    I had all 3 and still have 2 of them, they are all very good but I feel my first pick is the best one for what you want. Its always nice to have a prime lens too so pick up a Canon 50mm F1.8 it's a very good lens for the money. Take care.



  13. "but the Canon doesn't show the focus point in the plastic LCD screen on the top"


    I find this hard to believe as My 20D (Lower model then the 5D) allows you to pick the Focus point from the LCD on top if you so wish. Can someone out there with a 5D tell us if this is true or not.


    Like it was said already you can't compare the Canon 16-35mm F2.8L to the Nikon 28-70mm F2.8 you should have gotten the Canon 24-70mm F2.8L and compared it instead.


    You sound like someone that has some money, so I will recommend two lenses for you to get. Canon 135mm F2L and Canon 70-200mm F2.8L IS.

    You get those ones and you will be very happy. :o) Take care and have a good one.



  14. "You will be well cursed - I am a Scot with a long lineage of Celtic witches and spirits behind me and will have no compunction about putting a hex on you,'


    LOL! Your Funny!


    Since Robin was first in line and lives over there I say give it to Robin. :o)

    Take care and have a good one.



  15. Hi, I have not been to this feed back forum for many many months but I noticed something happening with peoples pictures on here and had to see what happened. Anyway Nothing personal but I think the new system stinks.


    I have phone dial up Internet and well I can't see any pictures its been loading up for minutes with just there names etc and still no pictures show up. Its taking way to long. You need to fix this as not everyone out there has high speed internet. Thanks for your time.



  16. Personally I would not get ether lens you mention, I never liked the 17-85mm when I had it, and the Kit lens is a kit lens, need I say more. :o)


    As far as bodies go I think the 20D is very good.

    Not sure how much money you have but if you had lots then I would go ahead and get the 30D as long as its not much more then the 20D but if its to much more then forget it as the 20D is very good.


    And a lens? Well I kind of need to know what you like to take pictures of?

    If you just want something cheap but still good I would say get the 50mm F1.8 lens. If you just want one very good all-around lens and had the money for it I would say get the 24-105mm F4L IS lens. If you need a cheaper all-around zoom the Tokina 28-70mm f/2.8 mentioned above sounds good, I had the Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 DI it was a very good cheaper zoom, I don't have it anymore though as I sold it, but it took great pictures.


    Now if you got money to burn I would buy these.

    50mm F1.4, 135mm F2L, 17-40mm F4L, 24-105mm F4L IS, 70-200mm F2.8L IS.

    I have those and more, they are very good lenses. Take care and good luck.



  17. Hi Bob, I had both and to tell you the truth I was not very impressed by my 24-70mm F2.8L lens.

    My guess is that I did not have the greatest copy of one, I am very fussy about sharpness when it comes to lenses and my pictures. My 24-105mm F4L IS is much sharper. The extra reach is very nice also and the IS is a great thing to have.


    If you are going away on holidays it is a great lens to have so that you do not have to bring too many lenses with you. By the way I sold the 24-70mm soon after I saw the results my 24-105mm was giving me.


    Take care and have fun with the lens if and when you get it. I don't think its necessary to have both lenses though, I would just use a prime for when you want a Shallow DOF. So go and get it and make up your mind on which one you like the most then sell the other one and get most if not all of your money back.

    Make sure you get the wife some flowers to by the way. ;o)

    Take care and have a great day.



  18. Sounds to me like you should get the 70-200mm F4L I hear its very good, I have the F2.8L IS version and its a really nice lens.


    About primes there great too but I think you are looking for a zoom as its more convenient etc.

    But between the 200mm F2.8L Prime and 135mm F2L Prime the 135mm is much better, I have had both but sold the 200mm I am not selling my 135mm its about as good as a lens gets. Take care and have fun.



  19. I would get the 30D, 17-40mm F4L, 24-105mm F4L IS, 50mm F1.4, 70-200mm F2.8L IS, and 580ex Flash for now. I am not sure how much money that adds up to where you are. (I am in Canada)

    I don't think you would need the BG-E2 grip, I think its a waste of money you are not a pro and you don't need it for your kids and it just adds weight etc.




    P.s. for future lenses I would get more primes starting with the 135mm F2L its fantastic for people shots to nature shots and very, very sharp. I would have to say out of my 9 lenses its my best.


    As far as the big zoom you mention Sigma 80-400, I would stick to a big prime, with nature shots all most all of the time you use it on the long end and primes are sharper.

  20. Hi Lana, I will recommend what I did a long time ago to you before you bought your 24-70mm F2.8L if I remember correctly, get the 24-105mm F4L IS lens, its sharper then the 24-70mm F2.8L and yes IS does help if you are not as steady as you would like to be or should be. :o)


    I had both and the 24-105mm F4L IS is sharper. If you want a really great and sharp lens get the 135mm F2L prime it is one of Canons best and at F2 It is very sharp you will love the pictures you can take with it.


    By the way about the focus points like someone mentioned above, I only use the center point but I am sure you know what you are doing when it comes to that. The 24-105mm F4L IS will work on the 5D when you upgrade too. Take Care Lana, feel free to stop by and say hi sometime.



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