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Posts posted by fcalvo

  1. I'm using the PIXMA Pro9000 with Ilford Gallery papers. They have ICC profiles for each kind of paper they offer for the PIXMA and have to say that the results are as good as prints that I've done with the Canon papers. The thing is that Ilford has a larger variety of papers as well. I would recommend to anyone the Gallery Smooth Hi Gloss Media and the Classic or Smooth Pearl.


    The hi gloss one has a very nice velvety shine which is indredible, looks almost like a metallic paper. It is thinner than the Classic Pearl or Gloss but heavier, so it's much more dense. Like some kind of plastic paper.


    <a href="http://www.ilford.com/html/us_english/prod_html/galerie/htm/prod/products.htm" target="_blank">Ilford Gallery Papers</a>

  2. Hey Dan, yesterday while browsing for other things on Amazon I came by the pro9000 at $358. I couldn't believe it, I thought it was some kind of error becuase the day before I had seen it at this price but when I refreshed the page it got back to it's regular price (449.79). So this time I snatched it. Guess what... today it's back up to 449! Weird!


    Since I have Amazon Prime 1 day shipping is only 1.99, so I'm getting it today! I think we got excelent deals don't you think? I'm soooo happy. Have you given it a try yet? I just bought the 4x6 Canon Photo Paper Pro so I'm ready for when it arrives.


    Let me know how did it work for you, what kind of paper are you using, etc.


    Regards and happy new year!



  3. I completely agree with Nick. As for the bad marketing concern, I believe that this forum evidences the transparency of the website's policies.


    It must be very difficult for Brian to have to deal with all the crap. In fact he doesn't have to do it but he actually does. So it shows his courage, compromise and comitment towards this community.


    Thanks Brian!

  4. John, that this exercise was done digitally doesn't make the conclusion less real. Our vision behaves the same whether we are looking at a screen or the real thing. I'm sure that if we could replicate the whole setting in a studio we would end up with the same result.


    The point of this ?digital game? (at list for me) is to let us understand up to what point our vision can accurately perceive reality and that, as I see it has everything to do with visual appreciation. It was somewhat of a surprise for me to see such a different result between what I clearly saw as 2 very different shades of gray and the actual proof that they in fact were the same shade of gray.


    There could actually be real applications making use of this effect at some point, who knows.

  5. Thanks John for the reference, it's very interesting. The following is and extract of the explanation of this illusion which I find revealing.


    'As with many so-called illusions, this effect really demonstrates the success rather than the failure of the visual system. The visual system is not very good at being a physical light meter, but that is not its purpose. The important task is to break the image information down into meaningful components, and thereby perceive the nature of the objects in view.'

  6. What about <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/3235311" style="color:red">this</a> one of mine Brian, I was even able to rate it myself.


    I rated it because while I was rating in the Rate Recent section, one of my photos which I had just uploaded appeared to rate even if I hadn't even requested critique or rating. So I wanted to see what happended if I rated it.


    I would ask if you can please remove my rating, I don't care about the others but if it is easier, just remove all ratings.


    The same happened in <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/3235322" style="color:red">this</a> one.


    Thank you.

  7. Hi all. I've read in one of these forums that many visits to one's

    photos could boost your profile. Is this true? If so, in what way

    does it help me within the PN community?


    Also, are non-patrons visits being recorded as well? or do you have

    to have a patron visit your image to be counted in the # of visits?




  8. Let's calculate how much bandwidth would be needed to implement the TRP page as suggested.


    Considering the 3day period as it is the default, we now have 1908 photos. Let's say each thumbnail is an average of 5000bytes that would give us 9,540,000 bytes to download for every single request of this page. If you were on a 56 Kbps modem, it would take you nearly 23 minutes to download just the images in the page.


    Now, if you were only being sarcastic about that suggested solution, I tell you that I just wanted to make that calculation for the sake of it. :)

  9. I guess those are the benefits you are entitled to as a community Hero, and working hard in manteining this great website. And in this case I must respectfully agree with you and gracefully fade out of this discussion.




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