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Image Comments posted by d.wyatt

  1. Another excellent shot of Rocco! I love the leg hanging down and the contrast of the white on white (Rocco & stairs) compared to the well-lit chairs. The chairs add to the feeling of relaxation. My only suggestion is to crop off the black area in the left lower corner, as it sort of puts a blemish to the white on white effect. An excellent photo!!
  2. I feel like I've gotten to know Rocco through your photos :), and it's obvious that you love him very much! This one and the last one (with him all sandy) are awesome! You've totally captured his fun spirit and the lighting and textures are perfect. Give Rocco a pat for me!
  3. I really like this photo, particularly because it is unusual. The birds almost appear to be doing something forbidden. You have a great eye at capturing the unordinary, keep it up. Perhaps you could crop off a teeny more off the top, to get rid of the itty bitty leaf poking down in the middle of the blue sky. Otherwise, it's a great shot!

    Gulu Portrait

    I don't find the shadows bothersome,rather, the red collar looks kind of like it's coming from his ear (more so in the thumbnail). This is an adorable dog and I think you caught a great expression. The more I look at this, the more I fall in love with him....if it's a him?

    freeze & fence.

    ...with Marlin. I am uncertain as to what the "freeze" item is; my first guess was a blowing leaf. While it's amazing that you caught whatever it is in a "frame", to me, it detracts from the photo. I like the pattern of the fence on its own, in a mesmerizing kind of way.


    David, these are my favorites of your recent photos. While I find the second one more aesthetically appealing, the first one is somehow more humorous. I believe that it was your choice of nuts (walnuts have a great texture). Also, I enjoyed the guesswork as to how the walnuts were staying in place (it took me a short time to realize that she was lying down). The 1st photo gives the illusion that the model is standing, which made me wonder which position is most common for this pastime. Like Owen, I'm a bit disappointed that there is not more to come of this series. The humor in these is as refreshing as a cold beer. Both are great photos!


    This photo immediately caught my eye. Great colors, perspective, composition and theme. It makes me want to dance through the poppies! Definitely a photo to be proud of---congrats!

    G O L F

    Hello, David. I'm rather new to this site, but have been intrigued by your photos and all of the response that they receive. Knicki would probably pick up on this little detail: it looks as if you were pushing the putter kind of hard into this poor woman's stomach, as evidenced by the putter crease mark to the left of the club. Other than that, and that I'd like to see a stronger shadow to help unify all the different parts, I find it quite creative and very fitting with your theme.


    You're not a Short Man Walking, are you?!? Forget the "I'm just gonna pay to get the pics printed next time!" I like it as is. I think the imperfections and leaving the numbers from the negative add to its impact. Great shadows, color and texture!

    Rock Contrast

    I agree with Jason's comment. The first thing that I noticed was the heart-shaped rock, and secondly the pattern that that the perimeter of the rocks made (it almost looks like it's in motion). Bump up the saturation a bit and the photo will rock!


    I like this! The "straight line" doesn't bother me a bit, and I can tell it's just a reflection (rather than manipulation) from one of those plastic tubular hangers, which do have a ridge. Nice photo!
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