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Image Comments posted by r_williams


    Although the picture you have taken is technically right (how can you go wrong with a digital?) and calming (perfect colors in the sky) this photo falls into the cliche catagory in my mind... too many people have done this sort of thing before. otherwise a nice photo.
  1. The exposure of the picture is just right I think, perfectly sharp all around but the two things that bother me are the fact that it is 1) extremely bullseyed... I think you could have experimented with your composition a little more than you did and 2) you didnt use a tilt shift lens (now realizing that you can't makes a difference). Also it is something that has been done a million times before, but if you were going for comparison its fine. An alright photograph.


    This a good shot, the model is very relaxed which sometimes doesn't happen in fashion/model photography. By you saying that you shot NPS I wonder why? Why didn't you use a Ilford B+W film, preferably Pan F 50. Pan F would have given a finer grain to your picture which is what all fashion/model photography needs. Also it could have been a little more contrasty I think. It would have brough out her face more and I think with this model that it would have flattered her more. Overall good for your first time. Congrats.
  2. the tripod factor could have been because the camera body withstood a little vibration which also could have produced the bluriness, if it was me shooting I always use my self timer once I have composed the picture I want, a infared remote or cable release works well, I tend to get better pictures I think (although I use a canon system so I dont know if the infared remote is available?) Im sure the N90 will have a self timer though, it will help reduce vibration making the sharper picture. even effective fill flashing might help you in the lower part of the frame, making the wall in the bottom a little less black. I also kind of went off of the deep end with the sigma thing (Im sure its an okay lens but I had a bad experiance with Sigma with my canon system, the pins didnt connect well and everytime I tried to take shots in vert. composition the battery drained out and the picture was lost, needless to say that didnt happen for long after I talked to my friend about it (mind hes a professional photographer) he said he had once had the same problem with the sigmas on the same body I use. I was also told that Sigma quality control isn't that good and I tend to beleive that Sigma has its good lenses that they do really well and then theres the ones that arent that good, like most companys). you also have to understand that I am very anti kodak, I have always used ilford except for the few times I made the mistake of buying kodak because it was cheaper... well good luck with reshooting that and if I can talk you into anything itd be getting a Nikon AF or a Nikkor lens, it will do the n90 justice, belive me.
  3. This picture could have been better 1) if you hadn't had used Kodak B+W film, use Ilford, preferably Pan F Plus or Delta 100 Professional; 2) if you had used a tripod (maybe it's the lens, seeing as though you're using a really nice camera with a shitty lens, Sigma lenses don't work well with Nikon or Canon systems); 3) now that about it, you should have used a tripod. it looks blurry to me, especially in the flag; 4) a wider open aperature for a shorter exposure so the flag would have been stilled. 5) better film! kodak sucks.


    I'm sorry to rip this picture apart because it has great potential. If I was you, I'd reshoot this, using the steps above as a guideline. I understand that you didn't have the right equipment with you but this has great potential and could really work.


    Good luck



    ahhhhhhh... mistakes... mistakes. the first should be obvious to even you... any slide film is for available light situations... meaning outdoor light... second I don't get it... whats it spossed to represent?



    If you are going to shoot color slide and then desaturate it in photoshop buy better slide film than kodak. That is your first mistake. Kodak's skin tones are really off and using a better color slide such as any Fujichrome will get you better skin tones. Better yet, why don't you try Agfa Scala B+W slide film, it is amazing. Now on the photo... it's too plain. I like the expression, but this photo is misleading, what is she looking at? The cropping also takes away from the photo too. Because you used Kodak slide film your photo is also lacking a little contrast. Use Agfa Scala B+W slide if you can find any, I suggest buying it from B+H from the grey market. Good luck.

    Ice Climber

    classic snow scene where the white is bluish because you didnt compensate your exposure. White fools your camera meter because it is too bright, therfore insted of using a flash as mentioned before under-expose the shot by 1 stop or so or if your meter says to shoot 1/250th @ F11 shoot 1/500th @ F11, the white will be much whiter. And for a side note any Fujichrome or chrome slide films are available light films which means flashing your pictures in most cases is bad unless you intend to fill flash your object because of lighting problems, also color slide film will not work indoors either.
  4. I like it but it's not great, someone previously said that a polarizing filter would have helped, I think it would have helped a great deal, the water almost reflects too much light and makes the colors seem a little washed out to my eye. The washed out colors could have been taken care of with a better film (i.e. Fuji), Kodak has never been known for having great color in it's consumer grade of film and I tend to think that Fuji has better tonal range and saturation of colors. Also, if you ever go on another trip like this where you are paying lots of money to go somewheres and you would like to better capture the beauty of the place, take a couple rolls of professional grade film with you to test out (i.e. any Fujichrome or Agfachrome products you can get, they are almost all superior). A tip for buying professional grade films is to make sure the film has been in a fridge, professional film is usually made to shoot when arrived at the store, reason being professionals shoot a lot of film and process it quickly, so don't hesitate to ask when it arrived, the salesperson will most likely tell you. I like the picture. It could have used more precise planning though. Good luck with your shooting.
  5. If I was you I would use a B+W Slide Film for a portrait such as this. Agfa Scala ASA 100 is a very good film in the fact that it's fine grain and overall sharpness is excellent. It does cost more for prints off of a B+W Slide but it is well worth it in my mind if you are doing this as a surious hobby. Check out Adorama or B & H for Agfa Scala ASA 100 and if you can get it overnighted or express mailed, seeing as though professional grade film such as Agfa Scala's shelf life is drastically reduced because Agfa and other Slide Film makers are under the assumption that most of the rolls of film will be taken in one day and then processed overnight (if possible). And always remember with Slide Film if you're not going to use it right away to put it in your freezer so it keeps tonal saturation. Good luck, Behn.
  6. Alright, I've never heard of Fuji NPS (is it slide or just print film?) but wheter or not this is slide film you may have purchased this film way out of date... the colors look very washed out (I dont know wheter its my computer or your photo, but ive sure seen some crisp photos with beautiful colors on my computer so I tend to think its your film) I dont know if I like the fact the the eyes are in focus and it softly blurs outwards... to me a crisper all arround shot would have done better justice to this picture... also its very bulls-eyed as most material i see on photo.net is, its not interesting when the subject is always in the perfect center of the screen, try some different composition... especially for faces... the expression also gets me, to me its boring, its one of those blah shots that you see and think, wow that went wrong, I dont mean to discourage you or come across as an asshole... just here to be honest and tell you what I think as best as I possibly can. Improvement needed. Behn
  7. I like the tones but in a way you can't go wrong with a digital camera though... way too bullseyed and it's not very interesting, no offense... maybe a reflection in the 76th pct thing or a police officer with a bad ass look on his face would have done this picture well... plus to the normal person 76 pct isn't going to mean anything, its too non discript... something relative to location would have also helped... Behn.

    Sunset near Rome

    Truly beautiful. The colors in the waves are just as amazing as the colors in the sky. Fuji slide film is the best film you could have shot with too. Fuji's colors are magnificant. Great photo.


    It looks to me like there are a couple of black dots on the left side of the picture, wheter it is the scan job or the printing job you did it takes away from the picture. And I could be wrong but the kid in the foreground looks like he was flashed, the white outlines are a little too much. Nice composition and sharpness of the foreground save this picture. Not Photo of the week material in my mind.
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