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Everything posted by dfperrault

  1. I have a 5 year old Color Munki that works intermittently due to a loose USB connector. X-rite does not offer repair services. It is likely that I will be able to resolder a new connector or at least epoxy the current connector. However I am not sure how to disassemble the unit. Can anyone offer advice on how to do this?
  2. If you are looking for some interesting ideas for off beat travel locations read a few books by 20th century botanist Frank Kingdon Ward the who explored the northern region of Burma near Tibet looking for rare plants I have listed some other interesting books as well. Frank Kingdon Ward Frank Kingdon-Ward - Wikipedia 1. In Farthest Burma (ISBN 978-974-524-062-9) 2, Burma's Icy Mountains (ISBN 978-974-524-084-1) 3. Return to the Irrawaddy 4. Finding George Orwell in Burma, Emma Larkin 5. Burma: Rivers of Flavor, Naomi Duguid Author provides interesting travel experiences in the process of collecting recipes her cookbook. 6. The Piano Tuner by Daniel Mason: 7. Glass Palace:Amitav Ghosh Other suggestions like visting a school is a great idea. Try to get to know the teachers, and then a photoshow to support the school when you return home. if there was some way you give a voice to the Rohingya through your photography, without getting into harms way, and give back to their community, as well as speaking out against their genocide supported by the many people who are no longer Buddhists, (despite what they believe) including Aung San Suu Kyi, then it would be worth the visit as well.
  3. Mark, Nice Photo! What was the name of the village where this was taken in Kham? I have been to this area may times.
  4. <p>Puppy Face. </p> <p>Would your basic setup using a stereo mic also work if the guitartist was singing as well? What stereo mic do you recommend?</p>
  5. <p>I accidentally found one way to correct the problem. Not sure how repeatable it is. It seems that if I am having problems printing to 8.5x11, I then select a different size print e.g. 11x14, and then print to this size. Then switch back again to 8.5x11, the printer then correctly prints at the correct location on the page. I doesn't make much sense since switching to a different sized format is what caused the problem in the first place.</p>
  6. <p>I have the same problem on the Epson 3880, in LR 5.7.1 on my Macpro, running Yosemite, when I switch from printing 13x19 to Letter size. It appears that the printer attempts to still print to 13x19 even though letter/ 8.5x11 is selected. This happend only in Lightroom, not in Photoshop. The problem occasionally corrects itself for reasons I have not been able to identify </p> <p>I have contacted Epson and Adobe support but there were not able to help</p> <p>I have tried the following:</p> <p>1. Reinstall Printer Drivers<br> 2. Reinstall Lightroom<br> 3. Reset Printer system (Mac)<br> 4. Print to other size paper formats<br> 5. Print from a new catalog in Lightroom.<br> 6. Print paper size check on and off<br> 7. Print letter w/ auto expand boardersless, and normal settings<br> 8. Power cycle printer/computer</p>
  7. <p>I wanted to clean my 5000 ED scanner, so I took it apart based on the instructions on the Pearson site. Then afterwards I saw that the mirror is accessible when the slide holder is removed, without having to take the scanner apart.<br /><br /> If you look down into the slot in the scanner, you will see a pocket w/ the lens and mirror. The mirror will be more difficult to see since it is at 45 degs. If you shine a flashlight or desklamp in you will see the mirror and any dust quite well. You may actaully see the refelction of the lens in the mirror. You may want to tilt the unit at 45 decrease towards you to get a better view of the mirror.<br /><br />The mirror can be cleaned with a piece of lens tissue folded to about 1/2" width and then folded over the top of a cotton swab. I only use high grade >99.9% (HPLC Grade) methanol on all my optics. ( I bought a 1 gallon bottle at sigma chemical, that will last me a lifetime, shipping is expensive) I have never had luck with standard lens cleaning fluids. I usually have to clean 3 times each time with a new piece of lens tissue. Just be careful not to apply too much force to the swab. The mirror is coated on the outer surface, and will scratch easiley but should be ok w/ standard lens tissue w/ cotton swab. It will be more difficult to clean the lens because the access is limited. In my unit the mirror was very dirty, the the lens was clean.</p>
  8. <p>I routinely get my polarizing filters stuck even though I try to keep them somewhat loose. It usually happen when I am going between temperature extremes. I found that this extended jaw wrench from Edmund works well. However you have to remove the plastic jaws to get a good grip. I like to oil filter wrench idea that someone else had posted earlier<br> http://www.edmundoptics.com/lab-production/component-handling-tools/tweezers-pliers/soft-jaw-pliers/2931<br> http://www.amazon.com/Stanley-J253G-2-Inch-Cannon-Pliers/dp/B001937V2W/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1421941114&sr=8-5&keywords=soft+jaw+plier</p>
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