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Posts posted by mike_urbani1

  1. hi my name is mike i just graduated from hallmark with my girl , hallmark was intense , if u wanna go u betta be prepared to work, but it is in the middle of the boonies not far away from amherst and holyoke college(really big schools) which have insane parties plus the cops wont give you any shit for anything ANYTHING. but back to the school it was a great expereince and i loved it it was worth the money and trust me it may be a one year school but u will do 2 years of work but the teachers are hilarious and so smart and succesful i admire all of them they have great assignments that are fun and really help to define your own style and come to terms with it so you can improve the skills, the studios are sick and so is the digital lab and commercial lab plus this summer they added another building, if you go to brooks youll learn alot too but you will have the same portfolio as everyone else and be spending 4 times as much money, so all and all hallmark great but youre gonna work.in case you wonder i am 20 and after graduating hallmark i moved from massachusetts to los angelos to take photos professionally - later -
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