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Image Comments posted by jdn

  1. huh? i think its a tiny bit underexposed or the shadows could have been better placed by waiting until a different time. i dont like to see the car in the foreground mostly obscured by harsh shadow. also, would it have been possible to have a space between more of the cars by moving a little ways back and to the left? otherwise, its a pretty stellar photo, what a crazy place.
  2. well done, the exposure is pretty much perfect to my eyes, and the feeling of the image is great......but: the kid in normal clothes walkinga little hunched toward the camer a really throws a wrench in it. maybe that was the only chance you had to take the photo, which is understanable. just something i noticed :)
  3. pretty good. would like to see more of the peppers at the bottom of the image.. especially the top of the yellow pepperif you have moved the camera down about an half inch you would have acheived that and lost some of the newspaper. i would suggest two things as far as exposure... use a smaller aperture to obtain a great depth of field, there is very little that is in focus in this picture. secondly, be careful to avoid camera shake.


    too contrasty, too much red, and a strange compression that makes it impossible to judge detail.... but im motivated to comment because i really like the idea. can you post a higher quality version?
  4. i dont like the title... oblique and cliched , a bit. but i really like the photograph. my only qualm is i think the toning is overdone and the edges should be of more even lightness. do you have a version like that? anyway, i feel what you are saying with this photo. the comments you put on it make it a bit too specifically one message... it can mean alot more if left word-free. but as i said, i like it.




    i dont even think its that wonderful of art. the digital repetition of the boats definitely doesnt help. i find it hard to get that so called "tranquil" feeling looking at this. not only does it not look like any place ive been, im pretty sure i wouldnt want to. sure its well done, but does that make it GOOD ?

    Zion Morning

    good idea.... i like what you are doing here. overall it is perhaps a touch too dark for my taste, and maybe i find the color unsettling. but it is great work, to be sure! 6/6

    Old Oak


    im not sure why the upper half of the picture begins to fade out so much? atmospheric conditions or intentional manipulation? what an AMAZING tree.... soo many photos to be taken. i dont know if this is the best one of this tree but it certainly something! 6/5 i just posted a similar photo, tell me what you think.

    p.s i like the lower half better, the ground and base of the tree are very nice tones.

    Alberta Lumber

    the very wide angle( i assume) makes it a bit too warbly for me. but i really appreciate the subject matter and the simple, unpretentious (i also assume) composition. straight enough photography.
  5. i love the way she shines out from the centre of the frame, this picture is surreal/mystic in a way. at first i thought the man to her left takes away from the overall mood by his suppressed grin... but no. It actually adds to it, its more realistic and thats what documentary is all about. Thats just a wicked photo. The title is great as well.
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