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Image Comments posted by mdausin

    Life is rough


    Is there anything I could have done better here? I thought of cloning

    out the leaf in the lower right corner, but I'm not sure it would have

    improved the photo any.

    Thanks for viewing!

    The Blue Door


    I am always unsure how to frame these pictures. I try to show the

    relativly drab surroundings, but I'm not sure those work. Is this a

    case where framing just the door is enough? Thanks for viewing!

    Criss Cross


    I wasn't sure how to process this one. In the end I essentally left

    it alone (save for some contrast and saturation.) Any suggestions?

    Thanks for viewing!



    This was converted to BW using the gradiant map tool. I personally

    light the result, but I'm curious what if there are

    better,inexpensive, BW conversion tools.

    Thanks for viewing!



    I tried to use photoshop to accentuate the ducks and their reflections

    as best I could. Is there anything I could have done better? Would

    you have done something differently?


    Thank you for viewing!

  1. Probably best if viewed larger. Curiously, even though I took the

    three parts of this photo in manual mode on the same settings the

    three pictures were somewhat different brightness (luckilly the

    PTstitcher color/brightness correction worked well enough on this

    picture.) Anyone seen this type of thing?


    Comments are welcome. Was there anything I could have done better?


    Those pesky dots are actually stars. There isn't a whole lot of light pollution to contend with in big bend, so you can get stars in pretty much any night shot.



    Any opinions on weather I should have not included the cactus in the

    frame? I almost wish I hadn't have included it? Any opinions?


    Thanks for viewing.



    I wish I could have included a major constilation in the frame. Other

    than that is there anything I could have done differntly?


    Thanks for viewing.



    I did my best to "isolate" the bushes (i'm embarassaed to say I don't

    know their name.) but I always seem to struggle with trying to

    "isolate" my subject when it is sourrounded by all kinds of junk. Are

    their any tricks to help with this? I'm curious do other

    photographers clean up their subjects by removing sourounding brush or

    debris prior to taking a picture? I usually don't do this, but I

    suspect it would help. Any thoughts?


    thanks for viewing.

    cactus mountain


    I really wish I would have mashed down the brush in front of the

    cactus before I took this shot. I'm curious to see if the shot is

    still of value despite the fact that the main subject is half

    obscured. Any suggestions or thoughts?


    Thanks for viewing.

  2. Used a flash to help illuminate the plants in the foreground. I used

    the on camera flash, but I'm curious if I could have done anything

    different to get a more naturale look. Any suggestions?


    Thanks for viewing.

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