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Posts posted by tedd_s

  1. Just a thought. We are all here suffering equipment angst and obsession. The answer for

    me was not to focus on equipment but to focus on B.I.R.D.S. I already know that for all

    situations my suggestion won't work but for me it has. I suggest learning more about the

    birds and thier behaviors. Then learn ways to get closer. The person who suggested the

    50mm was correct. He is sitting quietly and lets the birds get closer to him. Don't stand

    there with a huge lens and tripod and expect a wild animal to get close to you. Try getting

    low to the ground. Wear camo to blend in. Blinds are now very cheap from Outdoor world.

    Let the birds come to you. The original post said he was a bird shooter but no indication

    of woodland or waterbirds. So if you let them get closer you should be able to use the

    300mm f4 AFS or older ED version which I picked up for 399 at KEH. With a Tamron 1.4

    teleconverter is produces images that are good enough to sell. It's great to have and be

    able to afford good equipment but it needs to be combined with stalking and cover to

    become a good "predator" of bird shots. Stay low, be quiet and let nature come and visit


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