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Image Comments posted by mease_kite

    Peace. Finally


    After saying this is a fantastic thought provoking image that I really like I just have to say it is not a real photograph.


    As you said it is a group of different photographs all put together in an artistic way to make a wonderful image but a great photographer who is not an artist in the sense of having graphic and computer skills could not have produced this image unless it was an actual real life image like a bombed out city during WWII.


    Still I wish I would have the talent to create this piece of art.

    y e a r s


    I looked at your entire portfolio. It was nice but this is the most outstanding of all your work. If you ask why I just cannot tell you but it just says something. It is like this person has the worries of the world on his head. I like the placement of the main subject in respect to the entire photograph.


    On my monitor I find it somewhat difficult to tell if it is pure black and white or it there is a little sepia tones also.


    I think this is just stunning. I would like to know how you did this and what equipment you used. What kind of post processing was done to get this effect?
  1. I like the composition very much. Nice and sharp and a very cute girl. My only thing is that the lighting is kind of flat and somewhat underexposed in areas. I do not know if PhotoShop would be of help or not.


    It looks like a 3D shot or maybe the girl was place in the foreground of a different shot.


    Don't get me wrong. I like it very much.


    The photo is ever so crisp and sharp to the point that it is impressive. The way the person is differentiated from the background makes me wonder if it were two photos that were combined into one. It is almost like a 3D effect.



    I like the mood of the photo. I would like it more if:


    1. The BW was more pronounced.


    2. The top of the head was not cut off


    3. The foliage directly in front of the person was not there.


    This would probably look good in a soft pastel color.



    This is very pretty and interesting. I like it a great deal but it really does not look like a photograph that came out of the camera. It does look like you used a photograph and then either painted, changed, manipulated or otherwise change the original content to create a different art form other than what results from any camera that I have seen.


    It is almost like an artist that takes a picture so they can produce a painting from the picture in a different location.

  2. To me this does not look like it was just taken with a camera either digital or film. It looks like it is a watercolor so you must be a graphics artist.


    I look at photos to learn how to take pictures but not being an artist I do not think I could even come close to this beautiful shot.


    It would be nice to see the original unaltered photograph and in a general way to know what was done from there to get to here.


    Really nice.


    First, I do like the photo but I would like to see the boy's face. Also I think it would look better in black and white without the sepia tones.


    The top 3rd of the photo is cut off. I am sure the dog is cute but this one should be retaken for a full tightly cropped shot.



    Put a hat on his head and a pile in his mouth and he could pass for Popyee.


    Nice photo but is almost seems like either a painting or it was staged.


    In any event it is interesting.


    I like the photo. I am wondering about 2 things. First if this would look better in BW vs sepia. The other is if the photo would be better if the figure on the right was cropped out. I really cannot make up my mind on this. I do find the photo interesting.


    If not for the light I think this photo would be great. For me all of the greatness of the photo is taken away by the light fixture. I think that would be very difficult to photoshop out.
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