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Image Comments posted by rpease

    EMILY - 720

    I appreciate everyones feedback. Shane and Wiktor you are right about the flat face. I was playing around in PS with an existing photo that was a head on shot. If I did this over I would take Shane's suggestion and take a second shot with head turned to create the "open hatch" face for more accurate depth and perspective. Thanks again for the feedback!

    Holly IV


    The model is very beautiful but in this shot I feel that the lower third of the image is a distraction and detracts from the overall composition. Even the lighting pulls the attention to these distracting elements - hands, knee, and partially exposed breast. If the partially exposed breast was intentional, it may have worked better if the hands and knee were not so prominant. In my opinion the image is very nice with the lower third cropped away. Just my opinion. - Randy


    Egret 003




    This is a nice shot. It is well composed and tack sharp. My only suggestion for improvement (since you asked) would be to make some curve and levels adjustments to brighten it up a bit and give it more visual pop. The reeds in the foreground and the water just seem a bit dull to me. See attached example for comaprison. This is more a matter of personal perception than a matter of right and wrong. Nice job. - Randy



    Lighting, makeup, skin, model...all sevens. I think the pose is a bit quirky though. To me the way the model's right arm (left side of photo) is turned out and illuminated makes it look disproportionately larger than her left arm. Maybe adding some shadows to contour the arm would fix this...but then again maybe its just me. It is a beautiful photograph one way or the other. - Randy


    I like it very much. I think the yellow against the dark blue background works well. Nice fade from blue to black also. I am not sure about the baby's breath at the bottom...would like to see it without for comparison. Nice job. - Randy
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