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Image Comments posted by robbocks

    fall yellows

    I really like this shot and the treatment. The colors are subtle and I like the blast of light and yellow in the main subject leaves. A good feeling of autumn is conveyed by this image. Nice work!

    Autumn Colour

    I like the colors and the composition. They work together to give a good feel. Whatever alterations you did, they work, and do not seem overdone to me. They are just right. Can you comment on the technique you used to create this image?


    Andres, I really like the close-up in-the-action composition of this shot and the others you have posted. Your use of the dramatic lighting is well done. I wish I could se the bass player's face a bit more as it would add to the sense of action. I like the style, makes me feel like I'm there. Well done.

    Clouds 4


    I thought the lonely bird confronting the enormous dramatic clouds was

    an interesting site. I made it B&W to accentuate the drama.

    Comments and critiques are greatly appreciated because you help me

    learn to get better. Thanks.

    Baby Girl

    I did this using Photoshop CS2. At the time I was interested in playing with local contrast to achieve a "Wyeth" type effect. (Here is a hyperlink to an example technique.) I used surface blur and smart blur. My main layer was a B&W version, and I put the color version over the top using a soft light blend mode. The line drawing effect was done using photocopy filter, levels adjustment layer, and brush.


    This is a great shot! The composition is superb. There are a million stories in this photo. Bring us more of this kind character study work!!!
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