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Image Comments posted by pat_fahey1

    NYC 09

    I've been working on photographing an old coal tower in an interesting side of my city. I have that same problem seen in your photo - black and white film reacts the same with the bluish sky and the shade of brown produced when sunlight from the horizon hits the old concrete.


    How did you set this up? I have been thinking about using a light bulb in a photo and wonder how to get the right effect. You seem to have a nice balance of glow? What did you do?
  1. I think I'd call that a bad light composition. Your light ratio is too high - the street's reflection produces too high of a contrast with the rest of the frame. Sometimes film can't handle as much contrast as your eyes. Regardless, I think it looks great - the lights are not lit, mysterious.

    Marble me

    Wow, I think i like this as much as the original B&W doorknob. I like the perspective from above your head. Camera hidden quite well, I can't find it. Great work.


    I love that image, that face is amazing. Those are the photos I wish I could get more often. You should try to increase the contrast, I'm not sure if i see black yet. Did you filter? I usually don't filter, I can never get it right, but it's definitely worth a try. Nice shot though.
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