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Image Comments posted by curtis_comeau2



    Nice image, but i think the real "Documentary" character in this photograph is about the human elements (hand prints) on the walls and door.

    Its rare to find a human element to all this beautiful texture.

    I think a tighter composition on these human hand prints with texture elements would have worked here as well, and been a bit more powerful.

    Perhaps a collection of 3-5 tighter images on this entire scene would have worked.


    Two Graces


    For editorial this is average. But as a reportage image its excellent. I really like it. I would be nice to see more of your proofs from this series, had you the chance to move around...excellent eye!

  1. fantastic image I really feel this image is telling us that this girl is alone and waiting for her chance to leave her little town. The only thing that ruins this thought for me is the jewelry. I would like to have seen none.
  2. I always laugh when people compliment the photographer when they shoot a beautiful girl. The photographer has nothing to do with how beautiful the girl is, but more how beautiful the image is. I like your exposure here. I dont really see a point to this photograph however, perhaps unless you are showing the contrast between rough elements of age and that of soft skin of youth. I would like to see other images from this set I have a feeling there are better images in this series. Infact I think a straight on shot with this pose against the background.
  3. This box concept is actually very old. many many pros have used this before. E.J. Camp shot Jodie Foster in a very very similar fashion for a story on her film Panic Room. but that being said this shot is very very good. Executed with precision and attention to detail. 7/5 well done. Congrats.



    Hi there first off I would really like to say I enjoyed alot of your work especially the Cairo series. I even like more images from this series, but this specific image i don?t like. I really do not like that we see your soft boxes in the globe as well as the cords and all the other clutter. I feel you could have controlled the reflections much better. I mean the globe is really cool and such an important piece that our eye is drawn to it, but It has all this garbage cluttering it.


    As well as I think the pose and framing is very weak, considering you have such a powerful woman here, I would have liked to see something more stretched out or a more powerful pose, as well as I think your angle could have been more symmetrical. In addition I feel that your choice of camera angle shows us the wrinkles in your backdrop, normally wrinkles are fine, if they are constant, but in this case we can see you have a tight background and the wrinkles are below that.


  4. yeah i agree i dont like this picture. Our eyes are drawn here to the teal color, I think if you had the chance without pissing off the head shooter, you should have had him right against the wall and shot tight. Black men and color backgrounds look really cool i attached an image i shot for lonely planet to showcase this point.




    now this is a nude with a point. this is a fantasic image. wow. i like how the heel and shoe are so close to the lens. a fantastic mood to the image as well, the styling in this image with the heels and fishnets all play to the mood. excellent. 7/6

    The Eyes


    You know I reall like this picture and I am a fan of a tight crop (cutting off the head) but the crop here is a little too tight, we need to see her second eyebrow.


    plus you have such good back light and flow in her hair, i think its a shame we dont see more of it in the picture.





    A fine idea for a project. I like this picture but I would crop the green grass from the top, its a little distracting, especially because of your strong use of contrast.


    well done.



    Technically this image is excellent and well composed. I have seen this exact image (not the color order however) before a few times though. So I give this image a 7-4.



    Alex - 222




    I really don?t like the technical style of this image. I do not like crop nor do i like that the image is soft. I would prefer to see a sharp with more contrast to show off the tattoos and her features. Basically I think you cut off too much of her face. I think the full version of this image would be much more powerful.





    This like most nudes serves absolutely no point. But one can not sit there and say this is porn. We would all agree that photography is a form of self expresssion, and if Mr Running feels that this image expresses his feelings then so be it.


    In my evaluation of this I also not only consider the image but the one who captured the image. And I noticed that Mr Running is using a 4x5 film camera.


    This is the skill of a purist.


    Using large format on a regular basis is something that I am sure none of the commentors have done, or perhaps have ever used.


    If you want to comment on the true artistic nature of photography Shut Up, put away your hack digital cameras go get a 4x5 camera (They Are Cheap Now) Figure out how to use it, and take a picture with it.... not only that take a picture with a good tonal range, good specularity, good DOF, exposure and a good focus plain...


    Then come back and make comments on the artistic interpretation of photography.


    One does not need to respect the photograph however you should respect the one who captured it. Especially when he really knows what they hell he is doing.




  5. I would hesitate to claim "intellectual" ownership of anysort over this style of image. Infact I have seen this image technique in Europe a few times before. Although not staggeringly original it you have executed it perfectly. I do give credit where it is due.4/7
  6. I really like this perspective of Tulum. But two things here. On on my monitor it seems a little over exposed. If this is the case when I am shooting digital its ok to underexpose about 1/2 stop then correct it in photoshop. The other is that I think you should have a 4x5 crop on this. My reasoning is that in this image you can see the 3 doored pyramid which is a classic characteristic of Tulum. So when I see this image I am saying "oh thats Tulum" but If I cant see the main pyramid, I will look more intently at the picture and for a longer period of time trying figuring out what Myan Ruin that is... One last thing is there is a vanashing point in you composition which is really cool and if you crop this image it will become more powerful... My opinions, please take them for what they are worth :)



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