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Posts posted by creativehunger

  1. My full time job being a graphic designer, I'd like to point out a couple of things. Any

    item (business card, postcard, note on a napkin) that you use to communicate, tells

    people who you are even before they read the text on it. Your colors and the

    placement of the text on your business card say traditional, follows the mold. If that

    is what you want to communicate then the cards work - as long as they have all the

    info you need to share. You choice of color, font and placement have to speak to

    who you are and what people can expect from you. If you want to be perceived as

    an edgy photographer, your card should be edgy (not messy or illegible!), if you want

    to be perceived as a master of capturing the romantic moment that's what your card

    should feel like.

    I'm not sure if I'm getting my message across but the gist of it is; decide how you

    want your clients to think of you and put a face to that with your business card (and

    all other communication).

    Good luck!

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