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Image Comments posted by douglas.hudson

  1. I like the strong symmetry about the central "axis", and the meandering route the structure takes. There is an interesting balance between old, on the right, and new, on the left. Could you have done more to emphasis this?
  2. I find this image very bleak. Your model conveys the cold horror at her circumstances very well, and this is supported by the devastation around her and the moody grain. It simply begs the viewer to ask, what happened here? From the location, I'm guessing it was an earthquake.


    My only criticism is this: why did you choose sepia? To me, sepia conveys nostalgia and warmth. Maybe a cool black and white would have had even greater impact.


    I still like it though. Well done.

  3. Thanks Sky,

    I think this image has a nice balance of green/yellow and blue sky, but not much else going for it. The key problem is, it is difficult to know what the subject here actually is. If, as your title suggests, it really is the carpet of yellow flowers then you need to think of ways to emphasise this. One way would be to shoot from such an angle where only these yellow flowers are visible, and nothing else. No sky, no trees, no bushes. Try experimenting with your shooting angle, and maybe get down to the flowers level so you see some of them in detail. Have some fun with it, try everything you can think of, and see what works! That is one great advantage of shooting digital - you can experiment on the spot until you get it right.


    Good luck, Doug

    Moon Rise


    I rather like this Gary, although I do agree with the above criticisms. I could also add that the horizon is not quite, er, horizontal.


    The reason I like this image, is that it looks like you have stumbled over a rise and discovered a city in the middle of the desert.



    Well done Nick, I think you have a very successful image here. The deserted promenade, the endless beach huts all sealed against the winter weather and the heavy sky all add up to convey a seaside town closed for the winter. The black and white medium is perfect to capture the greyness - well done!


    - Doug

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