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Image Comments posted by alexandra_vladimirowitsz1

  1. Wie sch�n hast du diesem Bild gemacht. Ich binn sicher mein Jahr kann jetzt nicht mehr kapot gehen.


    Ich wunsche auch an dir alles Gute f�r das Neue Jahr und ich hoffe dich viele mahlen auf PN an zu treffen.


    Viele Grussen, deine Alexandra.

    Russian Moon


    You've seen it Fransisco? Great isn't it? Gives me a very good feeling: to know that when we look up to the sky Fransisco, you in Chili, me in Russia, we have an object to share!


    Many Greetings, Alexandra.



  2. Ja, ich hatte eine sehr speziale Verhaltnis mit meine Grossmutter. Ich gehe die ganse Geschichte nicht wiederholen. Es macht mich so traurig. Du kannst wie du willst alles daruber lesen in 'War of the World' by Mister Ken.



    Von meine Oma habe ich Hollandisch gelernt. Ich bin sehr dankbahr das sie Sich uber mich und meine Geschwister erbarmt hatte nach dem tot unseres Eltern.


    Meine Grossmutter war, gleich wie unsere ganse Familie sehr musikalisch. Und Du hattest es gut erraten, meine Oma spielte die Mandoline. Mein Grossvati hat als die beiden 40 jahre geheiratet ware, an meine Oma diese Brosche geschenkt.


    Du sollst begreifen das ich sehr stolz und glucklich bin mit diesem kleine doch sehr geliebte Erbschaft.


    Ich bin sehr froh das Du so interessiert bist in mir als Person und auch in meine Bilder.


    Viele Grusse, Alexandra.



  3. I have to explaine something to you. First of all I'm not a lesbiane and I'm certain not courting Mr. Ken. What do you think of me? I'm a very emancipated woman and that includes I know my borders. Mr. Ken is a very lovely and charming man, but in the first place he is to old for me and second: he is in the peno-pause and his hormonhouskeeping is grave out of it's balance. So for the time being there is nothing to do with him. And last but not least I should not prefere him as my lover because I don't like his legs and his eggs.


    Olga, I'm very sorry I don't understand what you would like to told me but I can explaine that to you. I don't like it but in a certain way you forced me to tell my secret. In my youth I've had very often problems with my ears. That resulted in hard-hearing. I went for it to a special school where they teach me general educated Russian. I've never learned the other dialects which are spoken in Russia. My ears are still a problem. So I never could be able to enjoy completely the beautiful sound of your violin. I'm so sorry about that.


    I hope you will be content with my answer. I wish you Olga, my dearest, a very happy future in The States and I hope the same for Thomas too.


    Warmest Regards, Alex.


  4. You've made a very nice photograph, Amelie. I like the great colours and also the ladybird. I think it's a very special sort of ladybird. It has such long legs. I've never seen such a creature in my country. 7/7 you earns for this one. Best Regards, Alex
  5. I don't know what to answer your message because I did not understand the text you wrote. Are you a little bit out of order, perhaps...? I think you are from Lapland. So if what you have to let me know very important, let your husband speak for you. I'm sure he can translate your words in English to me. BTW (now I know what BTW means, Mister Mike was so very kind to explaine it to me). I like your portrait very much. Are you playing the violin very well? Or is that instrument only to make the portrait a bit interesting for the public?


    I will hear it all from your beloved Thomas.


    Best Regards, Alex.

  6. This is the picture I've made this afternoon in my little studentroom I rent for little money in the centre of Moskwa. I hope the mark you can see is enough to convinced you that I am the real and only Alexandra. I am the great- grand- granddaughter of Tsaar Alexander III. He was a brother of Tsaar Nicolas II.

    I understand if you should say now: Why is a member of that family wearing such a revolutionary mark? Well...


    The father of my great grandfather was not a very social leader. In fact he was an exploiter of his own people. He brougt a lot of disquiet and poorness amongst the country. My grandfathers father hatet the politics of his father and old uncle Nicolaas II. He decided to become a revolutionair. And to prove he was no longer a follower of his for-fathers politics he burned a mark to his left arm. To show their loyalty to their great grandfather, lineal and collateral woman familymembers still wear that same mark at the right hip.


    I wish, by telling you this, I have taken all your doubts away about my person and I deeply hope PEACE will turn back again and the WAR will be over.


    Your Alexandra.

  7. Mister Ken, do you know how it is possible all the pictures are refused. One of them is very important. It has to be back before tonight. It is the photographe with the pecial mark on the skin of my right hip. At this way I'm not able to prove I'm the real and only Alexandra. Maybe if I tell you a bit about my background you should understand the impact this provement is to me, but also for all the other ones who doubt about my identity. You have to know that I'm related to Tsaar Alexander III (1881-1894). I think that says enough for the moment. I hope the one who has stolen the picture of my dearest friend Amelie will soon put the picture back to where it belongs! Will you do your best for me, Mister Ken. Then the mysterie can be resolved tonight.


    Thank you My dear Mister Ken.


    Your beloved Alex

  8. I'm so happy you've helped me so quick. In times of problems you comes to know who your real friends are. Well Am鬩e*, your my biggest one, for ever!

    Tommorow by daylight I will try to make a shot of my typical mark and tomorrow evening I come with my prove, here at this place. Then we gonna have a little party I think. Thomas will be very convinced and all problems are solved then, I hope! Don't you think so, my dearest Am鬩e*?

    Mister Ken will be very happy to, don't you think?


    Come here, Am鬩e* I give you a big, very big kiss!

    Your beloved Alex.

  9. What are you doing now? You make things more worse than they still are at the moment. First of all I've never ever had a sister with such a strange name as Danielle. I have four sisters, Natashja, Gosha, Veronica and Nathalia. And they are all very pretty and still alive. I only have one brother, Maxim. When I told him what is going on here I'm afraid for his revenge.


    Then your question about my identity. I do not know how to prove. I'm the real and only Alexandra, Thomas. A copy of my passport will not convinced you, I'm afraid. But there is one little change to prove it. But than you have to ask Amelie. She is an old friend of my. She was studying at Moskwa University for a couple off mounths. We've shared a student there. She knows a lot about me. And I'm sure she is still the only one who can prove I'm Alex. She knows I have a very typical mark at a special place on my body. Nobody knows about that except Amelie, my mother and my grandmother. But I'm so happy the last two didn't live anymore. (Don't understand me wrong, I miss them both very, very much). But if they had to go trough all this here on Ken's page, AIAIAIAI POEDERNASKA, they should have got a heartattaque.

    So I hope Amelie will be the one who clears up te sky for all of us.

    Please Thomas, don't wait too long to ask her. I feel I become a lunatic.


    Best Luck! Alexandra.

  10. This is the brooch of my deceased grandmother. I love this juwel very

    much. What do you think? Have I portraited it in the right way? I

    like to receive your suggestions and advice for maybe a better or

    more original way.

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