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Image Comments posted by anushila

  1. This is similar to my first posted picture but I think this was one of the

    shots where I kept the shutter open for a long period of time and held a

    dark object (in this case my black sleeve) in front of the lens between


  2. Hi, this is my first attempt at photographing fireworks with a DSLR, I

    would appreciate any CC. This picture was taken at ISO 100 and the

    image is untouched except for cropping and resizing. Feel free to

    check out the rest of the series as well, any input is very welcomed.


  3. Thank you Ben! I really appreciate the feed back. To answer your questions - I'm actually really uncertain! I set up in the dark - but I know it was ISO 100 and I shot in BULB mode and the shutter was open for the length of the burst (at least 4 seconds I think, probably longer for this one).



    Any critique welcome, I was going for a simple but striking effect. No

    computer manipulation other than resizing to upload to photo.net. Many


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