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Image Comments posted by ivan_saorin

  1. Hey very good idea here! Fantastic! To make it perfect (I thik it is marketable if is perfect) I suggest three shots. A shot with the jacket open (the background) and one with the jacket close the first layer. Plus one with the jacket turned the second layer. The first layer will be used for the

    collar of the ghost jacket and the second layer for the body of ghost jacket (to get rid of the zip).

    If you can, play with selections and erase the unwanted part of the layer 1 and 2, so you can keep the hairs visible. Good work. Very very fun idea 5/7.


    I see. Too much zen eh! If you want to see some gulls watch the other photo of the folder. But this is the shot that I prefer: it's so mild, the perfect mild lake.



    The light fade away in the lower part of the photo, but there is no lacks of detail. I can see the texture of the water and of the pier on my monitor, can you?

    Thanks for comment anyway. :)

  2. I really don't understand the rating on this photo. I know is not much original but esthetically I cannot understand the 3 it has earn.

    Give a 7 comenting "Wonderful shot" is much less useful than give a 3 and explain what is not correct in the photo or composition.

  3. Although I like the photo retouch programs this image is not manipulated. The light here come from two sources: from the left there are some neon lights of a parking. From the right there are the tungsten light of the bridge seen in the other photo of the folder. No flash was used for the shot. The result has a kind of magic...


    Thank you for your comments Stefan and Ed. :)

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