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Image Comments posted by obviologist

    My home

    Love it- the light moving across the ripples are beautifull- only I deperatly want the top two droplets to be in focus, they are just a little soft- I would open up the aperature just a bit more- love it though- very nicely done


    wow magnificent- the only thing I would suggest is the clouds could use more of a punch- kick up the contrast, just on the clouds I think.



    this is a Very Beautifull image you have Created.


    One thing I thought Immediatly when I saw it- this should be a polaroid Transfer, there is such a Beuty in that medium that this Image would compliment so well.

  1. this was taken on a trip to wendover Nevada at the end of the

    semester- someone descided to plant their old X-mas tree where

    Everyone could see it. it is one of My new Fav's and I want to get

    some feedback on what you all think.


    I realy Enjoy thie compostiion on this image, the hole in the head, and other thing, it reminds me a lot of Baz Lurmans work as a film director
  2. stop down your aperature and Cut out a lot of the specular light on the Eyes, at least tone it down some it looks a bit too bright, But Great Idea, maybe cropping in in a little bit more as well, but very good


    Good composition- she looks very playfull, one thing I would change though is the color of the fill light, it gives her a sickley feeling with the Blue on ther hands and the Right side of her Face- stick with the warm colors or be more dramatic with teh cool colors
  3. I love the heavy Grain it really fits the feel of the picture- the Eyes could be a little more in focus, but doing a self protrait it is understandable- composition is Great, no distractions and High interest.

    two children

    Great subject but the composition is a little poor- Find something for her to be doing, Don't just Center her on the frame, take a look at some of salgado's work, he, I consider to be a master of this Type of photography, Focus on what is unique in the picture- I do Enjoy the Depth of Feild, and good choice of subject


    this picture is good, I Enjoy the color saturaton, the contrast is a little light,and the composition could be improved, but overal it is Enjoyable- was it shot medium format
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