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Image Comments posted by john_b5

    Toadstool 5


    good enough to lick!


    but no, really... this is a nice shot. The green's don't come up so nicely on my screen though. Maybe I wouldv'e preferred the stalk (the one that comes up from right and makes contact with the shroom) to be removed from the shot, and i'm slightly unsure about the yellow object in the fore (another shroom?).


    Nice angle though and lovely detail on the cap.


    beautiful shot and wow what a gorgeous kitty. Such a cute little mouth. I can really sense some sort of connection between you (your camera) and kitty
  1. very strange image...


    at first sight it looks like a superhero with cape scratching his balls. actually, it still looks a bit like this at second and third sight.


    that's not to say I don't like it - it's very interesting.

  2. nice perspective! Maybe I would've liked to have seen less grain in the sky - the road and sky would then juxtapose each other nicely. Also, the pole on the left is a little unfortunate, but nothing a bit of PS can't fix... ;)


    great sky by-the-by

  3. This image really made me laugh. I'm a big-time cat-lover myself and I think this photo's great! Love the detail, DOF, composition and light (i.e. what's not to like?). Well... that said, the focus on the nose and chin is fantastic - but I would've liked a sharper right (cat's right) eye.


    Also, interesting crop - the ratio seems a little thin.


    best wishes


  4. I like your purist approach - it makes one focus on getting it right first time, improving technique.


    One thing I appreciate regarding your image is your ability to see beauty in fine detail. It's great to be involved in photography, I feel it really allows us to see things that many others take for granted. Many would walk around the lake thinking "seen it, seen it, seen it" but you pat attention to the small detail.


    best wishes





    Hi Guilherme -


    I apologise for what I admit was quite a rude tone in my last message. I see now that the "cymbal" is indeed not a cymbal. I was aware that the flare was natural, but this does not appeal to me. I simply feel that if the magnolia is to be the centre of attention, perhaps it may have worked better without such a harsh backlight. perhaps some fill-flash might have been used to light up the detail in the leaves. And I would still like the "cymbal" cropped out! ;)


    I still like the blue walls ;)


    very nicely caught! my only criticism is of the white border you've added. I feel it works better without - the white seems to drain the colour out of the image. otherwise a lovely 6/6


    very interesting shot. That brooding sky is fantastic! Makes me think of impending climate change doom. Great colours and great composition - there's a nice strong line of elements for the eye to follow.

    Just Outside


    It looks like two very evil eyes watching me through the window! argh!!


    No, but really, those "eyes" do detract a little...


    The textures are interesting but the colours don't work so well for me.

    Blue bay...

    at first, while this image was loading, i winced... it seemed like a very unatural, overpolarised shot... but when the greens and the town was visible, I kinda like it. What's that thing out in the water? I'd stamp it out - a bit distracting... Interesting shot
  5. Nice in theory, but it is slightly overexposed - I feel like the right hand side of the leaf has lost a lot of detail.


    AH!!!! I just saw the dog!!! And now I see your title. Well spotted (that is... if it's natural.. if not, nice idea!)



    but i stand by my though that it is a half stop over.



    hmmm... those colours leave a little to desire...


    I can't quite make out what the orange objects are... they look a little like dead old prawns.


    There's no real subject here - if the weed (coral?) is your subject, it's simply not colourful or aesthetically pleasing enough to look at.

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