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Image Comments posted by SteveH

  1. Great mood. Good leading lines. A sympathetic subject. My attention is immediately drawn to the red scarf. I wish the tree wasn't just there, but was separated from her head. Or maybe as a completely separate background element if the cart were a little further down the road. Cheers. 

  2. Hi Christal,

    By chance, I'm looking this on my laptop, which cropped the bottom off the image. I'm thinking it might be stronger with this crop. I fiddled this example in Lightroom as a suggestion. Rusty stuff's one of my favorites, as well. Cheers, Steve


    Puffin Flight


    Your patience was well rewarded. As someone who has spent a large number of pixels discovering that these little guys don't fly in a straight line, I offer my sincere compliments on catching a great moment. To go for perfection, I might brighten the bird's breast a bit and get rid of a couple of dust spots. 



    In addition to above, I'd also suggest leaving a bit of space between the boat and the bottom of the frame. A little less cloud will also emphasize the line of mountains in the background. The elements are nicely proportioned. Well done with the contrast and color. Cheers, Steve



    Maybe it's just my mood today, but I couldn't resist seeing this image in black and white. Here's my modification using Lightroom. Great image. Thanks for letting me play with it. Steve


    Snowy Barn


    You've got all the right elements. Colorful barn, complimentary colors, interesting subject, detail in the snow, and a nice composition. As far as composition, I think I'd like to see this moved to the left about 6 feet. Then you could see the whole barn, and you'd be rid of that small fence post in the foreground. I find the bright spot in the back of the barn a little distracting, and it would be gone as well - though you could lighten the interior a little bit. Great start. Look forward to seeing more. Steve

    " Butraguillo "


    Based on the critique above, I wondered what this really nice image would look like if I tried mimicking a lower perspective, as though the camera were at a lower angle and there was more of a sense of depth. So here's my effort through some perspective controls in lightroom. You can be the judge of whether or not it's better. More an exercise in lightroom manipulation than a criticism. Cheers, Steve


    road to the sun


    The tones and colors of this image stopped me in my tracks as I was trolling through the forum. Beautiful. One comment about composition. I wonder if something more needs to happen in the upper right 1/4 of the image? Maybe change the place from which the photo was taken to fill more of that space. I tried a crop to see if it might tighten things up a bit more. Submitted as a suggestion. I had a great time looking at your portfolio. Nice work. 

  3. Normally I'm not much of a fan of images where the main interest is dead center. In this image, however, I really like the triangle made by the fence and the picnic table that leads right into the tree. Having a nicely exposed gorgeous sunset doesn't hurt either. Very nicely done. Steve

    Robben Island


    Even without the caption, I can tell that this isn't a good place. Very emotionally evocative image. Reminds me of images of Manzanar (a WWII Japanese internment camp) and similar places here in the US. Nicely done. 

    Northern Lights 2


    Wow. You were really lucky to get such nice aurora. The only problem I have with this one and the others is that they're out of focus. When shooting aurora it's important to prefocus on a distant object, tape the lens, and then turn off the autofocus on your camera/lens. See Patrick Endres' discussion of aurora photography at www.alaskaphotographics.com.

  4. I was about to suggest a crop to this image when I browsed your portfolio and saw the one I liked. To my mind, this photo is a bit unbalanced with the large mostly blank wall to the left. So I agree with your other image (004) to handle this as a vertical. I'd like to see more. Old farmhouses and rusty stuff are my favorite subjects. Cheers, Steve



    Somehow this works better for me as a square. See suggestion. I also fiddled the sky a bit in Lightroom to make it more dramatic. Just an idea. Cheers, Steve




    This image has a good bit going for it - nice colors, a favorite subject. I'd suggest a crop to move the sun out of "dead" center to give the  image a bit more interest. Also the lower 1/3 is completely black and lacks interest, so I'd go along with cropping out a good bit of it. I've posted a quick re-do suggestion. Cheers, Steve




    Great image with wonderful light. I like the contrast of the big church and the little house. It has a problem with the uneven polarization common to wide angle shots: the upper left is quite a bit darker. You could either lighten one corner or darken the other. Also the perspective control tools in either photoshop or lightroom might "square up" the church a bit more, if that would be more pleasing to you. I might be tempted to crop out some of the parking lot as well. 

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