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Posts posted by cynlee

  1. <p>TY Malcom.. just tried cardrecovery with no success..<br>

    got a<em> "unfortunately, no recoverable files were detected"</em> message after scanning</p>

    <p>found a couple of the other programs went a bit deeper,<br>

    even copying the contents to a folder & then it would scan that</p>

    <p>fraid it's FUBAR</p>


  2. <p>be advised, this could happen to you, hope it never does...<br /> <br /> Looks like I've lost these images for good :(<br /> <br /> <br /> have a 4GB SanDisk SDHC Card that I use with my little spare Canon PS Elph<br /> <br /> (the card is about 9 mo old & has worked fine before)<br /> <br /> had reviewed the images on the camera & wanted to download them<br /> <br /> took the card out & put it in in my card reader <br /> <br /> PC said it was unformatted, would I like to format :-/<br /> <br /> arrrgh, no, so I took it out & put it back in the cam to download from there<br /> <br /> showed card error<br>

    tried it in another card reader which just made windows lock up<br>

    after a couple of days of researching on the web<br /> <br /> I tried the following data recovery programs:<br /> <br /> -SanDisk Photo Recovery<br /> -testdisk<br /> -PC Inspector smart recovery<br /> -photorec<br /> -PhotoRescue<br /> -Zero Assumption Recovery<br /> <br /> 2 had options of going back for a deeper pass, tried that<br /> <br /> 1 said there were sectors that showed errors<br /> <br /> another had a graph that showed there IS something on the card!<br /> <br /> all of the above said it was too damaged to recover :( ~sob<br /> <br /> Is there anything left I can do to recover my photos??? <br /> <br /> short of- send it off & pay to have it taken apart for possible retrieval.. :-P<br /> & has anyone ever done that? seems kinda expensive</p>

    <p>Thanks for any help on this ~</p>

  3. <br>not sure if this is what you're looking for..

    <br>just received this info:


    <br><i>a news letter from InkJet Art that includes

    <br>(near the end of the link)

    <br>one of the most comprehensive list of papers

    <br>that meet the standard of great paper.


    <br>..a must read for everyone printing with an ink jet printer.


    <br>A bonus is a review of a new paper from Ilford

    <br>(long time favorite of analog printers) that emulates analog paper.</i>



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