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Posts posted by camela

  1. Poor planning on my part, and no notice by my camera shop, but I am

    in a jam for purchasing professional film for an event tonight. My

    camera shop closed 3 hours earlier than usual yesterday for the

    holiday. I was planning on using Kodak VC 400. It is a reception-

    only wedding, no formals, bascially just reception shots from 6-

    10pm. It's light until 8:30 or so here, but it is an indoor event

    with fairly large windows.



    Any suggestions on non-professional film I can purchase today that

    would work out the best for me? Thanks

  2. I was going to post this as a new question, but came upon this thread in the "search". I am shooting a wedding tomorrow and was going to use TMAX 3200 on my backup Minolta 400si camera. There is no way to rate the film manually (as far as I can tell), so if I shoot it at 3200, do I tell my lab I want it developed at 1600 or 2000? What is the advantage of rating it under?
  3. That makes sense. Another question. Are you using this system in program mode? When you said you are able to get at least f/5.6, is this for a protrait-type of set up, what distance where the flashes at, and what are you setting the camera at? Also, for the children's party, how are you sure that your subjects are getting enough light when it is only bounce flash? Is the camera doing the work or are you manually figuring the exposure? I guess my question is: if I wanted to shoot at a specific aperature (using the manual mode)is there any way to tell if my lighting set-up will properly expose the picture?
  4. Thanks again for the input. I just purchased a flash controller on ebay. That set up sounds great for photographing children, which I get a lot of requests for from friend/family, because they are constantly moving around! I tried the set up tonight with the 2 flashes plus the on-camera, and when I went to meter it (pointed at the camera and the flashes) for the helk of it, it was not giving me an aperature greater than 2.0 for any of them. Am I missing something?
  5. I am basically a hobby photographer who has just started to do

    weddings on a small scale (bascially started as favors to family and

    friends). Through word of mouth, I suddenly have three booked for

    this spring.


    I would appreciate some advice on my options with the system that I

    currently have or potential additions that would help me out. I

    have a Maxxum 7, the 3500xi flash, 5400hs flash, a Vivitar 285, a 3'

    umbrella, reflector, and a Sekonic light meter.


    Can the Minolta wireless/remote flash system work with the Vivitar

    flash? For instance, would it work to use the 285 on a slave to

    brighten up a background, or add more light to a group shot on the

    alter with this system? Would this just throw off the Minolta

    loop? Another example, could I use the 285 to lighten up the

    background in a portrait-type set up with the minolta flashes

    lighting up the subject?


    Any suggestions on how to shoot this wedding with the system I



    Any input would be greatly appreciated.


    Thanks, Camela Langendorf

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