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Image Comments posted by alan_edmon

    Sad autumnal


    Hi Yuri,


    You have several shots that I would love to have framed on my walls. I loved this one especially. If I was in that place with my camera that definitely would have caught my eye also. Thanks for sharing your images...they are great!

  1. Hello Josephine,


    I had to scour your portfolio to find a shot without critiques. I wanted to tell you that your style, your work, your eye, and the way you create art is extraordinary. I read some of the "criticisms" and I think, what nonsense. You have the talent and creative urge to produce what pleases you and I just wanted you to know that it pleases me too...I absolutely love your work. Thank you so much for sharing it.


    Adriana...your work is beautiful. I get my camera in places I "shouldn't be" and find the beauty in the craziest places. You have me beat by a mile. Thanks for the inspiration to carry on.


    I am not qualified to "critique" a photograph but I think I do qualify as a subjective observer and this photograph really jumped off the page. I love it, I think it is sublime, and I thank you for sharing it.
  2. I like several things about this photo: 1) Most people witnessing these girls on the street might not ask them to pose, 2) The girls really like America :-) 3) The exposure is pretty good considering the challenge. I didn't notice they were "babes" (he said, tongue in cheek).


    I guess I am the odd one out...I don't see her as "sad", I see her as intently looking at something and wanting to understand it better (like maybe wanting to be able to read). This photograph is as good as they get. Thank you for blessing my morning.


    I love this photo! Yes I am a sexist and her beauty is attractive to the eye but cropping, lighting, all those photographic elemts are what make her (the photo) worth a second look. Nice job!
  3. I was about to agree with Ali about cropping the bottom but thought I would go back and have another peek. Now I feel that the shadows in the forground are essential in balancing the brilliance in the center of the photo so I would leave it. Those electric trees in the background are magnificent. Very pleasant to look at.


    I have freckles so I will avoid commenting on them. I do, however, love this photograph...the simplicity, the timeless gaze, and no attempts to make it something it is not. Just a lovely photo.
  4. When I visit a location with my camera I am always lookiing for images that compose themselves...you found a nice one. I would crop that forground out or add more to it simply gecause it appears as though something was cut off. I love it, otherwise.
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