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Image Comments posted by boughey


    I disagree with Larry on this. Yes, the rule of thirds is a good guideline, but that's all it is. The position of the girl in the shot is unusual and works well in this case. Putting her in the middle of the frame gives me a sense of not don't know how far she has walked up already and also how far she has to go. I don't know if this was the idea behind it but this is the feeling I get from the image.


    Nice composition. If I was being hyper-critical I'd say that the diagonal line in the top right of the frame is a little distracting, but that's all. Lovely image that reminded me of my own time there in 2003. Thanks for sharing.
  1. Lee, I agree. The cactus works well as an initial lead and contributes well to the context of the desert. It is the high contrast of the sky that then draws my eye up into the main subject, the church, with its regular geometry in stark contrast to the natural chaos around it. It's a really nice capture, with, I suspect, a little more than slight manipulation in PS for the sky? Don't take that as negative, it's the final image that counts and I love this one!. Thanks for sharing.

    Winnats Pass

    Thanks Zeyd. I'm not surprised it is a little soft as I had to use a wider apperture to get any where a decent shutter speed. I'd like to go back and take a more considered approach to the capture next time.

    Winnats Pass


    I spotted this shot when driving down into Castleton through

    Winnat's Pass. Unfortunately, there nowhere to park and it's avery

    steep road so I quickly had to jump out of the car and take this

    hand held. I like the velvet texture of the surrounding grass and

    also the twist of the road. What do you think?

  2. I, like many others using PN, am constantly trying to learn more about photography and it's methods. Your insight into the dynamics (and limitations) of this specific film are most welcome. Thanks for taking the time to explain why you made the deciosns you did with this image.


    I agree that the shapes created by the door and the cast shadows are the more intesresting part of this image, but judging by Gonzalos opening comment he wants to draw attention to the fact that there is life even in this barren and desolate old building and I think the colorized flowers do just that. Nice work.
  3. Nomally, I would agree with the above comment, but for me this image works very well as it is. The dark extremeties do well in confining the central subject and giving a feelin of emptyness, desolation, and...abandonment. It would also clip the wonderful light spilling through the doorway before it had reached it's full extent. Sometimes rules are to be broken. Well done.


    These boats are arranged very nicely and produce a well balanced composition. The fauna in the water adds a bit of texture. I agree with the comment above about the sky but otherwise it is very well done.


    perfect exposure! My only very minor gripe is that the stand on the lower steps is a little distracting. If possible I would have moved it (if there were no burly security guards around).
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