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Image Comments posted by john_butler3


    Nope this is straight from compact flash to my hard drive. I am using a Canon 20d and shooting in B/W mode. Not sure if this really helps. I currently have a local person showing me how to use more features on my camera, but im just trying to stick with the basics. I am not really into the photoshop thing. To much time that I dont really have I guess. My kids would rather me take them to the ice cream shop and rubbing it in my seats then see me on the computer editing. Thanks for the comments from all so far.



    Ok this is another picture I took of my daughter outside on a partly

    cloudy breezy morning. This picture has not been cropped or even put

    in photoshop for any editing. Straight from the digital. Any input

    will help alot. I appreciate this and thanks for all the input on my

    last posting.



  1. I just wanted to say thank you already for all the input. I was shocked to see alot of positive being she is the first person I have ever shot. The image actually was lighten alittle in photoshop, but I never cropped it at all. I do like the idea of maybe cropping it to the left some. I shot it just like you see it, but it was a tiny bit darker. I should have left it I guess. She was facing a sliding glass door so the light was really coming in hard and I didnt have time to close curtains. I will gladly post a few more shots I have taken of her tomorrow. I do appreciate the input from everyone. This will really help me out down the road. Thanks



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